Saturday, August 31, 2019

Strategic Plan, Part II: SWOTT Analysis

Applying the SHOOT to Pewter's Accounting Services will help identify economic, legal, regulatory forces that affect business. This analysis will not only allow the business to Identify strength but weaknesses In Its Industry. Understanding the weaknesses of the industry will also allow to strategies for different opportunities.By identifying threats and trends we can make bold predictions to take advantage of opportunities and changes before they come to fruition. We will be Identifying seven different forces and trends that affect business. Economic Economic trends play a major role in all businesses. This is a major factor that an accounting services business will have to force to make predictions and adjustments. Based on trends the company may anticipate hiring more or less employees. A positive strength for Peters Accounting Services is that regardless of a good or bad economic year individuals still have to file state and federal taxes.Business will still ay quarterly taxes an d need help with bookkeeping as well as annual filing of taxes for the state and federal government as well. Threats of a poor economy can tend to not impact this industry too much because it is a constant need. An opportunity for this business lies during an economic upswing new businesses are being created meaning the need for an accounting services will be used frequently. Being able to offer year round services will help fight the Idea of seasonal work that tax prepares and consultants have to compete with.Legal and Regulatory In order to be a reputable company the Pewter's Accounting Services should be quipped with Certified Public Accountants. A CPA is an Individual who has taken the time to take a series of four rigorous exams that have to be completed in an 18- month period (CPA Review, 2013). Accountants can don't have to be Spa's but there is an extra allure and makes your information reputable compared to the latter. Accountants are required to take 20 hours of continued education, which Is also referred to as CE credits this allows them to stay updated on new laws and regulations for the upcoming year (CPA Review, 2013).Despite the requirement this is not enough time for an individual to gather and retain much of the information. A lot of time and hours with the organization will need to be dedicated to ensure that all individuals aiding in filing taxes is up to date. Supply Chain and Technology Pewter's Accounting Services will have to take advantage of new technology available to a mass market. This external factor can be seen as both a strength and weakness. There is one major factor that gains an accounting services business.During tax 1 OFF referrals and networking efforts throughout the year. During this time the company can impress new clients and existing clients by providing the newest or most efficient accounting software to help the customers file their taxes electronically. The accounting services will also provide its customers access remotely via a secured online site providing the clients access to their financial information from anywhere in the world. This can provide issues of security because we are dealing with sensitive information that can be used in a malicious fashion if intercepted.Adjusting to Change and Competitive analysis Pewter's Accounting Services will have its headquarters in the San Fernando Valley. A quick yelp search of accountants near the North Hollywood area provides a list of 109 efferent companies that offer accounting services (Yelp, 2014). The last census of North Hollywood estimated that there was over 160 thousand residence, which has only grown in the last 10 years. Despite the large number of competition in the area there are plenty of clients to go around especially when there are new adults entering the workforce every year. Working on referrals will be our strength.Individuals and business owner tend to refer a good CPA when possible. Seasonal business can be lost to conglomer ates like H & R Block who specialize in short form tax solutions at high prices. They however have big advertisement dollars that will need us to think outside the box to get business. They prepare taxes for 1 in every 7 filed returns in the United States (H & R Block, 2013). This leads to staying competitive not necessarily with H & R Block but with other single owner or partnership offices and that is by having our tax prepares go through the training provided by H & R Block.This will give us up to date technician and trends with the industry while also allowing us to make modifications to our own strategies. Strategy Internal factors will include a structured strategy for the company. The strength of strategy will be more control of day-to-day operations. The beginning phase will be consist of building a clientele base by Joining the Los Angels Latino Chamber of Commerce along with other organizations in the area. This will help build the reputation for the firm. Keeping the staf f small will be a must to keep overhead low.Location will not be cheap but will be a necessary evil when trying to attract walk in business. Pricing will be key as well. The company cannot price too low or too high. The companies' long-term plan is to also higher licensed representatives that can give financial advice as well. This phase of the strategy will help earn more trust in the community as well as build market share by reinvesting customers tax returns and also offering tax right off by setting up individual retirement accounts. Processes & systems In order to retain and increase the customer base follow up process need to be in place.Email's, Addresses, and phone number records need to be maintained and scrubbed before outbound calls are made according to the telephone consumer protection act if we are making sales calls (FCC, 2014). Most of our outbound calls will are that will be adopted by the company to standout from other companies. Our systems will also have reminder s and will also send out emails periodically to give our customers industry updates. The systems for internal control will all need password verifications to view customer data.Accessing of this data will ensure that we can keep customer information safe to help fight identity theft. Goals Accounting is a very stable form of earning a living. The goal for Pewter's Accounting Service is to become a leader in the community. Surviving the first couple of years will not be easy, but consistency pays off in the end. Visibility will be important as individuals flock towards others that make a difference and are accessible. Despite the treat of losing customers it is inevitable to suffer attrition, but staying ahead of market trends will be required to avoid huge dips in production.Branching out to being more than Just a seasonal service will also be key. Hiring Spa's and accountants that can assist with other daily activities like payroll, bookkeeping, and advising will help bring in inco me year round. Conclusion The SHOOT analysis assisted in identifying key objectives and obstacles that a new business can face, but over come. The art of planning cannot be understated as we deiced there is internal and external factors that impact business. Perception of the world around the business is a key component of this analysis. Strategic Plan, Part II: SWOTT Analysis Applying the SHOOT to Pewter's Accounting Services will help identify economic, legal, regulatory forces that affect business. This analysis will not only allow the business to Identify strength but weaknesses In Its Industry. Understanding the weaknesses of the industry will also allow to strategies for different opportunities.By identifying threats and trends we can make bold predictions to take advantage of opportunities and changes before they come to fruition. We will be Identifying seven different forces and trends that affect business. Economic Economic trends play a major role in all businesses. This is a major factor that an accounting services business will have to force to make predictions and adjustments. Based on trends the company may anticipate hiring more or less employees. A positive strength for Peters Accounting Services is that regardless of a good or bad economic year individuals still have to file state and federal taxes.Business will still ay quarterly taxes an d need help with bookkeeping as well as annual filing of taxes for the state and federal government as well. Threats of a poor economy can tend to not impact this industry too much because it is a constant need. An opportunity for this business lies during an economic upswing new businesses are being created meaning the need for an accounting services will be used frequently. Being able to offer year round services will help fight the Idea of seasonal work that tax prepares and consultants have to compete with.Legal and Regulatory In order to be a reputable company the Pewter's Accounting Services should be quipped with Certified Public Accountants. A CPA is an Individual who has taken the time to take a series of four rigorous exams that have to be completed in an 18- month period (CPA Review, 2013). Accountants can don't have to be Spa's but there is an extra allure and makes your information reputable compared to the latter. Accountants are required to take 20 hours of continued education, which Is also referred to as CE credits this allows them to stay updated on new laws and regulations for the upcoming year (CPA Review, 2013).Despite the requirement this is not enough time for an individual to gather and retain much of the information. A lot of time and hours with the organization will need to be dedicated to ensure that all individuals aiding in filing taxes is up to date. Supply Chain and Technology Pewter's Accounting Services will have to take advantage of new technology available to a mass market. This external factor can be seen as both a strength and weakness. There is one major factor that gains an accounting services business.During tax 1 OFF referrals and networking efforts throughout the year. During this time the company can impress new clients and existing clients by providing the newest or most efficient accounting software to help the customers file their taxes electronically. The accounting services will also provide its customers access remotely via a secured online site providing the clients access to their financial information from anywhere in the world. This can provide issues of security because we are dealing with sensitive information that can be used in a malicious fashion if intercepted.Adjusting to Change and Competitive analysis Pewter's Accounting Services will have its headquarters in the San Fernando Valley. A quick yelp search of accountants near the North Hollywood area provides a list of 109 efferent companies that offer accounting services (Yelp, 2014). The last census of North Hollywood estimated that there was over 160 thousand residence, which has only grown in the last 10 years. Despite the large number of competition in the area there are plenty of clients to go around especially when there are new adults entering the workforce every year. Working on referrals will be our strength.Individuals and business owner tend to refer a good CPA when possible. Seasonal business can be lost to conglomer ates like H & R Block who specialize in short form tax solutions at high prices. They however have big advertisement dollars that will need us to think outside the box to get business. They prepare taxes for 1 in every 7 filed returns in the United States (H & R Block, 2013). This leads to staying competitive not necessarily with H & R Block but with other single owner or partnership offices and that is by having our tax prepares go through the training provided by H & R Block.This will give us up to date technician and trends with the industry while also allowing us to make modifications to our own strategies. Strategy Internal factors will include a structured strategy for the company. The strength of strategy will be more control of day-to-day operations. The beginning phase will be consist of building a clientele base by Joining the Los Angels Latino Chamber of Commerce along with other organizations in the area. This will help build the reputation for the firm. Keeping the staf f small will be a must to keep overhead low.Location will not be cheap but will be a necessary evil when trying to attract walk in business. Pricing will be key as well. The company cannot price too low or too high. The companies' long-term plan is to also higher licensed representatives that can give financial advice as well. This phase of the strategy will help earn more trust in the community as well as build market share by reinvesting customers tax returns and also offering tax right off by setting up individual retirement accounts. Processes & systems In order to retain and increase the customer base follow up process need to be in place.Email's, Addresses, and phone number records need to be maintained and scrubbed before outbound calls are made according to the telephone consumer protection act if we are making sales calls (FCC, 2014). Most of our outbound calls will are that will be adopted by the company to standout from other companies. Our systems will also have reminder s and will also send out emails periodically to give our customers industry updates. The systems for internal control will all need password verifications to view customer data.Accessing of this data will ensure that we can keep customer information safe to help fight identity theft. Goals Accounting is a very stable form of earning a living. The goal for Pewter's Accounting Service is to become a leader in the community. Surviving the first couple of years will not be easy, but consistency pays off in the end. Visibility will be important as individuals flock towards others that make a difference and are accessible. Despite the treat of losing customers it is inevitable to suffer attrition, but staying ahead of market trends will be required to avoid huge dips in production.Branching out to being more than Just a seasonal service will also be key. Hiring Spa's and accountants that can assist with other daily activities like payroll, bookkeeping, and advising will help bring in inco me year round. Conclusion The SHOOT analysis assisted in identifying key objectives and obstacles that a new business can face, but over come. The art of planning cannot be understated as we deiced there is internal and external factors that impact business. Perception of the world around the business is a key component of this analysis.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Percy Bysshe Shelly Essay

William Wordsworth and Percy Bysshe Shelley are two of the best known poets in the world of literature. And with that being said, it would be very interesting to set their greatest works side by side. But it would be important to keep in mind that one should approach these great works with great respect to unearth hints to what make them great poems. If the works of these two great poets are set aside together, one would immediately notice that nature is much used as an image by both poets. Many of their poems are citing elements of nature, like trees, birds, the ocean, the sky, etc. , and even Nature herself. Both of these poets had expressed their fascination at nature and had incorporated that fascination through their poetry. According to Warren, both of the two poet’s fascination about nature has much to do with the context of the composition of their poems. Both nature poems of Shelley and Wordsworth are deeply affected by the actual time and location of their writings. In Wordsworth’s â€Å"Tintern Abbey†, he was writing a poem on a summer day while just sitting on an English countryside. On the other hand, while writing one of his most famous works, â€Å"Mont Blanc†, Shelley was writing his poem while travelling along the Alps. (Warren) Wordsworth’s poem entitled â€Å"The World is too much with us†, is a piece that exudes the poet’s use of nature as an image. The title alone suggests a conflict between the world [nature] and us [humanity]. Two lines are almost explicitly telling to the readers that this poem is about nature â€Å"getting and spending we lay waste our powers / little we see in Nature that is ours† (Wordsworth 94-95) It is very noticeable that the word first letter of the word â€Å"Nature† is capitalized. Wordsworth’s most likely reason for capitalizing the first letter is to give emphasis on the word, make it stand out in the poem. A common interpretation of the poem would be about the lost connection between man and nature that once was strong. On the other hand, the poem â€Å"Mont Blanc: Lines Written in the Vale of Chamouni† by Shelley does not aim to describe a conflict. The poem is more likely to be leaning towards a statement that man and nature are intrinsically related. The poem is quite long, but after reading it a reader is likely to have a conclusion that the poem is a mere description, just in poetic language. Shelley’s fascination with nature is very evident in this particular poem. As if functioning like a thesis statement, the first four lines suggest to the reader that the poet want to express his immense awe of nature â€Å"the everlasting universe of things / flows through the mind, and rolls its rapid waves / now dark—now gliterring-no, reflecting gloom / now lending splendor, where from secret springs† (Shelley 125) By looking at this poem of Shelley, we could see that he is talking about how the beauty of nature had astounded him. The tone of his poems also suggests that the poetry of Shelley is fueled by the inspiration that nature generously grants to him. Other works like â€Å"Ode to the West Wind†, â€Å"To a Skylark†, â€Å"The Sensitive Plant†, â€Å"The Cloud† and the best known in the list â€Å"Prometheus Unbound. † It is even stated in his biography that Shelley had already exuded a fascination with nature since his early childhood. According to his biography, he had grown up listening to nature stories like that was about the ponds and the woods in the place where he grew up. (Shelley 22-25) Going back to Wordsworth, he had seemingly taken the theme of nature to a higher level. In the poem â€Å"The Tables Turned†, he argues that nature could provide us better education than what we are receiving from schools. He started the poem with what seems to be an invitation â€Å"Up! up! my Friend, and quit your books / or surely you’ll grow double† (Wordsworth 41) Then he would describe the alluring beauty of nature in the second stanza. Then Wordsworth would throw in the third stanza the line â€Å"books! Tis a dull and endless strife† explicitly reiterating and reinforcing his argument that nature is the better educator our system of education. He proposes nature as the alternative educator in the same stanza â€Å"some, hear the woodland linnet / how sweet his music! on my life. † He would end the third stanza with a bold claim that â€Å"there is more wisdom in it [nature]. † The fourth stanza would end in two arguably preachy lines â€Å"Come forth into the light of things / let Nature be your teacher. † In the next stanza Wordsworth had addressed nature as a â€Å"she†: â€Å"she has a world of ready wealth. † It is typical of nature poets to portray nature with a feminine tone. That is because both nature and women are regarded as the giver and nurturer of life. (Wordsworth 41) The poem â€Å"The Tables Turned† had undeniably established Wordsworth as a nature poet. The way he had presented his argument about nature is really exceptional. He had presented nature as a generous educator in this poem. In the fifth stanza there is the line â€Å"truth breathed by cheerfulness. † What Wordsworth may have been trying to say is that unlike most schools, nature is willing to give the education for free through her â€Å"†¦world of ready wealth. † And this kind of education that nature offers surpasses the kind of education that schools can provide. Wordsworth is claiming that nature â€Å"†¦has our minds and hearts to bless. † He presented to us the possibility that nature â€Å"may teach you [us] more of man. † Wordsworth is suggesting that nature could teach us lessons beyond what we could learn in classrooms and books, like about â€Å"†¦moral evil and of good. † The phrase â€Å"the light of things† could be roughly interpreted as the â€Å"truth† that all of us should be aware of. As we go further with the poem, we could observe that Wordsworth had stood his ground in this particular poem. There are no hesitations, diversionary design; he did not even leave a space for rebuttals. He had shown his strength as an author by being loyal to his argument and presenting it in a very convincing manner. We could just imagine the influence of this poem to other poets, considering the status of Wordsworth as one of the greatest writers that had ever lived. In many sense, the poem â€Å"The Tables Turned† had become a mouth piece for Wordsworth’s fascination of nature. He had wittingly and ended the piece with the last stanza starting with the lines â€Å"enough of science and of art / close up those barren leaves. † In the case of Shelley, his poems oftentimes describe instances when nature is communicating with him. As a response, he uses nature as the main image for his poems. He had expressed this special kind of communication with nature through his poem â€Å"The Sensitive Plant. † The design of the poem is seemingly a mere poetic description of the mimosa, or more commonly addressed as the â€Å"sensitive plant† â€Å"a sensitive plant in the garden grew, and the young winds fed it with silver dew† (Shelley) But a thorough reading of the poem would lead the readers to Shelley’s likely-intended profound realization. A common interpretation of Shelley’s poem is that it claims that elements of nature, just like human imagination, could provide us with a more agreeable version of the concept of life. Shelley had expressed this through the stanza â€Å"it is a modest creed, and yet / pleasant if one considers it / to own that death itself must be / like all the rest, a mockery† (Shelley) Conclusion As nature poets, Wordsworth and Shelley would definitely share lots of striking similarities in terms of writing style. Both of them would sprinkle their poems with objects associated with nature like trees, ocean, animals, etc. Both of them would also include the word â€Å"Nature† with the first letter capitalized to give emphasis. It would also be typical of their poems to address nature as a â€Å"she† in line with the common notion that nature is a representation of womanhood. But of course, there would be a significant difference between the two poets’ use of nature as an image. Aside from the fact that Shelley had focused on the relationship of man and nature, he had also used the image of nature to paint a beautiful image of nature using his poems a canvass. On the other hand, Wordsworth had used the image of nature to allude to some concerns of the society, like education. It is not that one poet is superior to the other, after all, they are not competing as to whom can provide a more beautiful rendition of nature. As nature poets, they are already aware of the fact that nature would always be beautiful as it is. Their poems would just be a reminder of the undeniable beauty of nature. Works Cited Shelley, Percy Bysshe. The Selected Poetry and Prose of Shelley: With an Introduction and Bibliography. UK: Wordsworth Editions. 1994 Wordsworth, William. Selected Poems of William Wordsworth. UK: Heinemann. 1958 Warren, Amelia. Nature, Shelley, and Wordsworth. Retrieved 1 June 2008

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Expo 2020 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Expo 2020 - Assignment Example The economy of United Arab Emirates is going to be boosted by $23 billion by Expo 2020 as predicted by those states which have ever hosted the same event. The section below candidly discusses some of the important sectors are going to benefit from Expo 2020. United Arab Emirates is well known as a center for commerce especially in Dubai where there are more than 100 malls which are well recognized for the retail market. Expo 2020 is expected to boost the retail markets with an exponential growth of up to four times making the economy of UAE to thrive. If knowledge driven decision support system is used then the economy will thrive thus high gross domestic product. Due to exchange of currency from other countries which will be involved in Expo2020, banks are going to provide a modest lift to the gross domestic product growth. The economy of UAE will be stable since non United Arab Emirates residents will have to deposit or invest in UAE banks making it advantageous to the economy of UAE (Sao, 2012). Leadership skills must be incorporated to make sure that all the sectors are going to use knowledge driven decision support system which is computerized making it simple for the employees and the customers that are going to visit UAE. 25 million people are expected to visit UAE and they are outside UAE thus boosting the transportation sector where the tourists are going to use airline and road transport making the tourism and commerce marketing to thrive with a 30% increment. This will boost the economy of United Arab Emirates making the countries to increase their gross domestic product thus the resident economic situation stabilizing. In many countries, jobs have been a challenge to many countries but United Arab Emirates will benefit from Expo2020 with the departments like tourisms and commerce having more than 275,000 jobs being created making the United Arab

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 16

Compare and contrast - Essay Example She can also be very humorous and sends everybody on the floor laughing at her funny and interesting stories. On the other hand Anne’s personality is quite the opposite and is headstrong, catty and likes voicing her opinion. Mary at times seems to be laid back and brings out the funny bit of herself. Anne brings out the more augmentative and charismatic side .Though they have two completely different personalities, they are fun to be with. Mary is quite the opposite of my character whereas Anne is more like me in personality. My two friends also have interests that are somewhat the same. Anne and I both play football for our school whereas Mary loves snowboarding which she really enjoys. Anne on the other hand enjoys the sport and has gone several times particularly during the winter. Mary is so much into boys and student council. Nevertheless, both of my friends are into extra-curricular activities in various ways. Whereas the two differ in several ways in each category, nevertheless, they both seem to complete my life in various ways. Anne makes me think in a more analytical manner than what I am actually used to whereas Mary makes me view life at a different angle and not in a very serious manner. Even though both of them do not think greatly of one another, I do not know how I would cope without their varying opinions in life not forgetting their immense

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Obama healthcare plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Obama healthcare plan - Research Paper Example The Obama health care plan is a health care reform in the US and is known as one of the major achievements of President Obama. Obamacare has aided millions of Americans to afford a better quality health insurance, helped reform the health insurance industry and has widened the horizons of American health care rights. It is also an objective of the bill to reduce wasteful spending all over the country in health care department. The bill has been signed as the health care law aiming to improve the entire health care system of the United States by expanding coverage to more Americans as well as protecting the existing insurance policy holders of America. Obama Administration claims that a huge population of America will be benefitted by this new plan in various ways. According to the administration, insurance companies will not be able to cancel coverage if people get sick, all out of pocket costs shall be covered for proven preventive and screening services such as mammograms and other preventive tests. The plan is to diagnose chronic and potentially serious diseases as early as possible in order to make further treatments more effective. As a result of this 2010 legislation people with jobs but no health insurance as well as those with preexisting medical conditions will find it easier to gain reliable health care coverage. The government aspires to increase the number of people having access to obamacare services. The Acts within the plan aims to help small scale businesses to get health insurance for their employees. The US governments claims that the Act should â€Å"help increase the number of primary care physicians, nurses, physician assistants and other health care professionals† Back in 1920’s there wasn’t much knowledge about medicine and insurance which ensured low costs of the medical facilities. However as the doctors knowledge grew about diseases and treatments they began to charge more. With the rise in costs it the

Monday, August 26, 2019

HR Finance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HR Finance - Assignment Example The hospital requires ensuring that it operates under a budget in order to meet all the demands. It seeks to establish cheaper and effective actions for all renal vein cases. It can get a cost effective location and get a bigger space in order to accommodate the increasing number of patients with renal cases (Dunham-Taylor& Pinczuk, 2006, p.4). In this specific project, the community will incur lower IOP appointment with opticians below â‚ ¤17 and less OCT accredited assessment below â‚ ¤38. Additionally, budgeting for this hospital is essential in order to improve the quality of services offered at the hospital. In most cases, patients are willing to pay higher fees for good qualities. The hospital can hire more professionals in an attempt to increase the profit margin, which will enhance growth. The increased number of renal patients requires to be addressed since it is a challenge to the society. Additionally, an OCT machine is expensive for the hospital to purchase; therefo re, it can be obtained through hire purchase form the manufacturing company. This machine will enable the increased number of patients to be attended perfectly within the shortest time possible. This machine will be highly profitable to the hospital since it will ensure that all patients that visit are treated and all necessary tests carried

Sunday, August 25, 2019

A Key Role of Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Key Role of Culture - Essay Example The following sections examine the importance of national culture in the business context.How People See Themselves: In some countries people are viewed as basically honest and trust worthy where as in others as suspicion and distrust. This may result from the way people see themselves. They assume others are like them; they set certain schemas about different people. For example, it took Mc Donald’s a year to realize that Hindus in India does not eat beef, this hamper their sales initially until they get shifted to lamb meatEthical Decision Making: Society continues to be apprehensive about the impact of ethics on decision making. The increased globalization of today's business suggests that more emphasis should be given to the potential impact of culture on ethical decisions. Understanding of cross-cultural ethical differences is quite important in today’s world because the ethical standards are variable in different cultures.Individualism versus Collectivism: Individ ualism refers to people regarding themselves as individual like USA, Canada, Britain etc, while collectivism refers to people regarding themselves as a part of a group like Japan, China, Israel etc. The differences between the two reflect in many ways, such as in hiring practice. In countries where individualism is important, job applicants are evaluated on the basis of personal, educational and professional achievement where as in group oriented societies applicants are evaluated on the basis of trustworthiness, loyalty.

Augustine's Confessions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Augustine's Confessions - Essay Example statement in the sense of death, the reason why he uses the term, its relationship to his theory of creation and time, and the authentic sense of life for Augustine. For Augustine, the origin of life is the Word of God, and God himself. Augustine refers to his restless everyday life in terms of life and death. He believes that all these will end through death, but God, the giver of life, does not experience the same. He says, â€Å"For You are infinite and in You is no change, nor does today pass away in You† (Augustine and Sheed 8). People with physical bodies have a common fear death, but those with spiritual bodies and a life of faith are not scared of death. They will experience no change, just as God has, if they maintain a spiritual life. They conform to the earthly world, not knowing that is merely a transition to the spiritual world, and hence their life is in death. The sense of death her is that people are alive but do not respect the wishes of God, and hence they are technically dead. Augustine explained that the everlasting fate of the soul is known at death. Only those who die in communion with the church enjoy purification through God. Augustine senses the approaching end of life in his physical body and the beginning of life in his spiritual body. Humans live with uncertainty about the future because they exist physically, and not spiritually. His example of stealing mangoes in Book 2 ridicules how humans seek pleasure in temporary things that can never truly satisfy. Through faith and hope, one can meet their death comfortably. Throughout life, one must rest their hopes in God and not in fellow humans.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"But in this lay my sin: that is sought pleasure, nobility, and truth not in God but in the beings He created, myself and others. Thus I fell into sorrow and confusion and error† (Augustine and Sheed 21). Augustine sees anybody who fails to live in a Godly manner as already dead. The statement about death relates to Augustine’s theory of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Artists of the past Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Artists of the past - Essay Example However, the artistic focus of the Renaissance took a different approach to expression from that of their predecessors. The lessons learned from the ancients contributed significantly to the technical developments in ‘realistic’ painting that emerged during this period through the efforts of a variety of famous artists including Giotto, Masaccio, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael. In order to fully understand the artistic revival in painting that took place during this time period, it is necessary to understand the developments each of these artists contributed to the world of art in general and why the ancient world was of particular importance to them. Artists in Florence were able to quickly link the mathematical knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans to the proportional focus of their own world. Mathematics was a well-understood concept to the general population of Italy due to its primary importance in commerce. Painters used their foundational knowledge in geometry to create familiar elements in their paintings that would convey their intentions to the greatest possible audience. â€Å"In the same way that a painter could reduce the human form or settings to a play of geometrical figures, so could the merchant simplify all things to geometrical configurations† (Lemaitre & Lessing, 1993: 15). By melding mathematics and artistic expression, artists discovered how to provide their figures with a new impression of weight and volume that had not been previously achieved. This new ability to provide realism in a painting led to even greater explorations into how the world around them manifested itself in visual awareness. This attention to the science of representation eventually led to a systematic development of ever more realistic methods of portraying an image such as the development of dimension, perspective rules, atmospheric interpretation and textural

Friday, August 23, 2019

Child Care College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Child Care College - Essay Example In contemplating the kind of assistance parents should resort to for child care, it is essential that the requirement of a safe and happy environment that fun, educational and nurturing is met. Baby sitters are often among the top choice of parents in their decisions on which kind of help they would embark for their child. Though this is the case, it does not in any way conclusively suggest that it is the best practice. I would argue that child care from a licensed child care center is undeniably better than care from a baby sitter which is also fondly called as nanny. A child care center provides care for groups of children. They often provide entertainment and activities for all of the children to take part in. In child care centers, the space and equipment is designed strictly for the intended use of the facility ( Children tend to be grouped with others their own age and activities can be designed to meet the needs of each classroom of children. Most caregivers in a center are required to have education in child development or early childhood education, and all staffs are required to have annual in-service training in child development. ... In exchange for a bed, food and allowance they will look after the child or children while the parents go to work ( A live out nanny, on the other hand, will live in their own home and come to the house as and when arranged to look after the children. Either form of nanny would be considered an employee of the family ( The individual care offered to a child is the primary reason that many people select this service for their infant care needs. Parents are also able to have almost complete control over activities, feeding times and any other factor of the child's daily lives. Obviously in home care is the most expensive form of day care or any other care that is available but does offer a one on one service in exchange. There are a lot of disadvantages of babysitting though parents may think that it is the best care since there is a one to one interaction. Nanny care is unsupervised and our parents must do careful screening of any potential caregiver. The most glaring disadvantage is the expense, because, after all, our parents are paying someone's salary, and they are likely to be working a long day. Nanny care is the most expensive form of child care that I think our families could have, with most of us paying 18K - $40K per year for nannies ( Nannies are in high demand and there is a lot of competition in the marketplace for the qualified nanny. Lack of socialization may be an issue for an only child. Not all child care logistical problems are magically solved by nanny care. There may be issues on how to cover days when the nanny is ill or if there are weather emergencies which I

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Sexual Harassment in the Work Environment Today Essay Example for Free

Sexual Harassment in the Work Environment Today Essay Sexual harassment is perhaps best defined as unwelcome verbal, visual or physical conduct that is of a sexual nature. (â€Å"Sexual harassment in,†). According to the EECO website both the claims and monetary rewards associated with sexual have dropped drastically over the past decade.  What will you do to learn something new about this? I will begin by researching reliable web-site for further information on the subject. I will also use both the Kaplan library and my own local library for additional resources.   What will you do to provide the reader and yourself with new information?  I will convey to the reader all relevant information to the in both a logical and entertaining fashion. My paper will be interesting as well as factual, and will provide the reader with information which should enhance their knowledge of sexual harassment in the work place. How will you go about accomplishing this research paper? I will begin by doing extensive research on the topic of sexual harassment. I will cluster my ideas and begin to write my paper.  What is your plan to get this done?  Week one will consist of research gathering and clustering. By week to I will begin to write my paper which should be completed no later than week three. I will have at least two proof readers read my paper before it is submitted . References Sexual harassment in the workplace know your rights . (n.d.). Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Bachs Musical Style

Bachs Musical Style For many music lovers, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 1750) is the greatest composer in the history of human civilization. People all over the world play his music and study his art. The value of his music can be expressed by Wagners famous phrase quoted in the Oxford Dictionary of Music: It is the most stupendous miracle in all music. Style is the soul of every composer. Similarly, a good grasp of the playing style of a piece of music is an important criterion to judge the success of a performance. To grasp the works style correctly requires accumulated practice and the serious study of every note and every phrase and an equally important understanding of work as a whole. The published works of Bachs are many and include most of the mature music forms of his era including orchestral and chamber music and large works for orchestra and voice. However, Bach did not write opera and this is an important point to make when studying his ‘style. He did not write opera because his employment in the ducal courts and education establishments occupied his creative time, and because he had an important role in the Luthern Church, a strict Protestant church which discouraged extravagance. The word ‘opera, even by Bachs time, had hints of ‘extravagance, mostly because of the social circus of the public who attended opera. The public was there to indulgence themselves, to dress up and to be seen. Of course, dressing up and being seen has always been a part of church going, and Bachs music always had entertainment purposes, but the main function of his music is to praise God and promote His teachings. Whether this purposes is conscious or not, Bach n aturally adopted a German Protestant Christian outlook, in his work, one which rejects all unhealthy factors, or the non-equilibrium factors which bring about unexpected enthusiasm. Bachs music is characterized by rational thinking and solemn emotion. His music is ‘behaved i.e. it is very structured and balanced. Bachs works for voice and orchestra are characterized by having strictly Christian themes. They include more than three hundred sacred cantatas and the world-famous large-scale oratorios of the St Matthews Passion and the St. Johns Passion. They were not written for the opera house but for the cathedral. Bach did write secular cantata, such as The Coffee Cantata (BWV 211), â€Å"Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht† (Be still, stop chattering), but even this lightly satirical work has a Christian instructional themes. A warning against the addiction of coffee its main theme is Honor Thy Father, one of the Ten Commandments of Moses. The narrator ‘Schlendrian sings in horror that his daughter doesnt listen to him, though he has told her one thousand times to stop drinking coffee. Together with the Protestant Ethic, three interesting hallmarks of Bachs music style are Imitation, Contrast and Improvisation. Improvisation is the opposite of Imitation. The stepping-stone from Imitation to Improvisation is Contrast. To get there we must start at the beginning. To get to the beginning we will look at Bachs work for keyboard. At the forefront of Bachs works is his music for keyboard. Much of his adult career was spent at the keyboard, in particular the crucial beginnings as the court organist and concertmaster at the ducal court in Weimar (1708- 1717) and the glorious finale in Leipzig (1723-50). Throughout his creative life he composed a large amount of keyboard music, such as â€Å"Toccata and Fugue in D minor†; â€Å"Das wohltemperierte Clavier† (The well-tempered keyboard, Prelude and Fugue; and the Goldberg Variations. Therefore to really to begin to understand Bachs musical style we need to look closely at his writing for keyboard. Here we find the beginnings of his style and also the full flowering of his genius. Although Bach originally wrote for the keyboards of the pianoforte and the cathedral organ much of Bachs music has been transcribed for the piano, and it is through the transpositions for piano that pupils in China begin their studies of Bachs style and music. Their starting point is not, of course, the mature masterpieces such as the Goldberg Variations but the beautifully direct and eloquently simple pieces he wrote for his own pupils. â€Å"Inventions and Sinfonias†, BWV 772-801, also known as the â€Å"Two and Three Part Inventions†, are a collection of thirty short keyboard pieces consisting of fifteen two-part contrapuntal pieces called ‘inventio (inventions) and fifteen three-part contrapuntal pieces called ‘ sinfonia. The two groups are both arranged in order of ascending key, each group covering the fifteen major and minor keys. They were written by Bach as technical exercises to develop his pupils ‘two-hand independenceà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ the ability to play independent parts of the music with each of their two hands. The autograph manuscript copy in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin includes Bachs own intentions under the heading ‘auffrichtig, or ‘Straightforward Instruction: â€Å"In which amateurs of the keyboard, and especially the keen ones, are shown a clear way not only (1) of learning to play cleanly in two voices, but also, after further progress, (2) of dealing correctly and satisfactorily with three obbligato parts; at the same time not only getting good inventions, but developing the same satisfactorily, and above all arriving at a cantabile [song-like] manner in playing, all the while acquiring a strong foretaste of composition.† The manuscript is dated â€Å"Anno Christi 1723† and signed â€Å"Joh. Seb. Bach: Capellmeister to his Serene Highness the Prince of Anhalt-CÃÆ' ¶then.† The important point to make here about Bachs style is that the starting point of the learning process and the creative process is ‘Imitation. This is very clearly the case when we look at the exercises themselves. The music, and the understanding of the music, evolves out of repetition and minor variations of the form. This ‘imitation is a part of the Protestant Aesthetic. It is the Protestant approach of ‘Say as we say and do as we do. But we note too that the function of Bachs ‘imitation is not ‘blind imitation it is deliberately intended to lead the player to ‘independence. Only when the pupil has mastered ‘imitation can he possibly proceed to the next level of musical understanding, which is ‘Contrast. In Bachs music contrast is shown in the whole and in the details. A good representative example is the 15 18 subsection of the first â€Å"two-part invention†, the contrast of strong and weak being a perfect match. Lively counterpoint voices are formed in contrast to fill the music with energy. The main theme is in coherent semiquaver notes; the counterpoint voice part is lively quaver notes. Different motive materials have different contrast,even in the same theme. such as 1 2 subsection in the eighth. This theme includes two motives, motive A is quaver note is a string of eight sub-note, whose staccatos are moving upward; motive B is a string of semiquaver note, whose staccatos are moving down. A motive is more active, B motives is more rounded, they have a sharp contrast. Evolving out of ‘contrast is ‘Polyphony, a texture containing two or more independent melodic voices. Polyphony has been described as Bachs crowning achievement (Bach Inventions, Chen Ming-chi series, World Publishing Company). Unlike melody, the polyphony of voices all maintain their independence. When more voices are added, and interwoven into the texture, in the same free and independent manner, the wealth of musical expression increases still further. Therefore, polyphony is a three-dimensional approach. It has a multi-faceted, multi-line, the multiplicity of complex thinking (quoted from the foreword in Piano Recital way, Zhao Xiaosheng, Hunan Education Press, 1981). Through polyphony Bach teaches us that harmony is not simply the accompaniment of a simple melody but a means to increase the wealth of our musical language. This union of melodies gives rise to new combinations of tones and consequently an increase in the variety of musical expressions. To the armoury of musical expression and ornamentations, such as trill, mordent, turn, appoggiatura, acciaccatura, improvisational ornamentality within a fixed space is an essential skill for every musician. Bach includes Improvisation as a part of Ornamentation. Improvisation is the opposite of ‘Imitation. After Beethoven, the detail of music scores became more and more specific and standard, and the space for musicians to play improvisational music is getting smaller and smaller. However, in Bachs works, this skill is indispensable. Bach did not often indicate the patterns of performing. An exception is the Clavier-BÃÆ' ¼chlein vor Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, written by Johann Sebastian Bach for the keyboard instruction of his eldest son, which gives Explanation of various signs, showing how to play certain ornaments correctly† but this is a rare exception. In Bachs time, the execution of ornaments often varied from country to country and from composer to composer. We l earn from the repeatedly revised manuscripts of the Inventions and Sinfonias that improvised ornamentation was encouraged, with the student expected to extend the logic through the entire piece. Thus, we come full circle. â€Å"The most stupendous miracle† of Bachs musical style, is that it teaches us that Imitation and Logic are the true pathways to Independence and Freedom.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Should Smoking be Banned? J.S Mills Harm Principle

Should Smoking be Banned? J.S Mills Harm Principle Should Smoking Be Banned? Discuss In Relation to J.S Mills Harm Principle Smoking has held a social stigma for many years, yet has generally been protected from being prohibited due to the principle of a freedom to smoke. However, freedom comes in many forms and means different things to different people, and with some concepts of freedom it may be seen that smoking should be banned. This essay will focus on one particular idea of freedom, J.S Mills Harm Principle, and will look in depth at how this relates to smoking. The essay will look at whether smoking should be banned, either partially, as is the case in Britain today or completely. The essay will also look at ideas such as Paternalism and consent and how this relates to J.S Mills Harm Principle and a smoking ban and concludes on whether smoking should be banned. J. S Mills Harm Theory is an idea based on the instrumental value of freedom. Instrumental value of freedom is concerned with the outcome, as opposed with the intrinsic value which is more concerned with freedom itself being fulfilled, the outcome desired usually being one with the most utility. Mills Harm Theory is the principle that a person should be restricted from committing an act that will cause harm. There are however restrictions to this rule. Acts are divided into two categories, other regarding and self regarding. Other regarding cause harm to others, such as assaulting another person, self regarding only harms the actor. Mills argues that only other regarding actions should be prohibited. N. Barry states the only grounds for interfering with an individual is to prevent harm to others; over action that affect only himself the individual is sovereign.1 Thus, under Mills Harm Principle actions that affect only the actor should not be prohibited. Mills did not think that all self-regarding acts are morally indifferent, and the principle supports persuasion against self regarding acts that are deemed immoral, however it is not persuasion, and coercion, that should be used.2 The reasoning behind Mills principle is that he believed in maximum freedom of the person. With regard to expression and thought, Mills Harm Principle does not place the same restrictions he places on actions. Other regarding actions that only cause offence and not injury should not be prohibited, no matter how much offence is caused. Clearly Mills had placed restriction on other regarding actions, as causing injury to others should not be defended in the name of freedom. None the less J. S Mills clearly thought that state authority should be markedly limited so as to leave as much room for liberty.3 The Harm Principle can be applied to the concept of smoking; however there are several interpretations and criticisms of this. Smoking in public is generally seen as an other regarding action as it causes harm to others. Second hand smoke (SHS) contains 4000 toxic chemicals4 and the Smoking in private however is usually seen as a self regarding action as the only harm caused is to the smoker. Thus, following the J. S Mills Harm Principle smoking should be banned in public places, but not banned entirely. The UK government introduced a ban on smoking in all public places in 20075 and this seems like the appropriate action if you were to follow J.S Mills Harm Principle. There are however many criticisms of the Harm Principle that actually suggest a ban on smoking in public places does not go far enough. It can be argued that smoking privately in your own home is not merely a self regarding action. Political theorists, notably James Fitzjames Stephen and Lord Delvin, have argued that there is not such thing as a self regarding action as all actions have some effect on others. Garner summarises this argument stating that there is no such thing as private immortality in the sense that even our private behaviour will have public consequence.6 It seems unlikely that even the most trivial private action would affect society, however there is a strong case that smoking does. Firstly smokers are likely to have their health affected later in life due to their smoking, which could ultimately lead to seriously health problems or death. It is argued that this would cause financial harm, through funeral costs or being left without a financial provider, and emoti onal harm to the smokers family. It is also argued that smokers harm society as tax payer money is spent on providing NHS treatment or social benefits if the smoker is left unable to work due to his habit.7 It can be argued then that smoking privately is not a self regarding action, is in fact an other regarding action, and thus following J.S Mills harm principle should be banned completely. D.D Raphael states however that this objection is not to the principle of Mills position, but to its unreality, its lack of application.8 In theory there are self regarding actions, but in reality they rarely, if at all, exist. Paternalism counters J.S Mills idea that a self regarding act, presuming they exist, should be allowed. Paternalism, with regard to smoking, would argue that the state ought to be concerned with the moral welfare of the individual agent.9 Paternalism would support the state prohibiting smoking in order to protect the individual, and thus would support an absolute ban on smoking. This is the same principle behind that of controlled drugs, of which the consumption is illegal if done so privately. Mill would obviously reject this principle as it goes against what is set out in the Harm Principle. Mill advocated the freedom of action, even if it is self harming as he believed it was both character forming, and humans are the best judge of their actions.10 Professor H. L. A Hart was a keen supporting of the idea that criminal law is to prevent harm to other people however even Hart accepted that the propriety of some paternalistic legislation e.g on the control of drugs.11 Smoking is as h armful clearly harmful to the user, with 25% of smokers dying from the habit12, then surely it is the states responsibility to prohibit the action. This is certainly the paternalistic viewpoint. Goodin makes an interesting point in The Ethics of Smoking. A supporter of Mills may argue Paternalism prohibition of smoking stops the individual from being free. However, if the smoker is trying to quit then by banning smoking completely, we are simply using coercion to enable people to carry out their own goals.13 Consent is an issue that is commonly found when discussing the banning of smoking, and has been used by both pro and anti ban theorist. It may be argued that non-smokers choose to visit public places where smoking is prevalent such as pubs or clubs. The harm they receive then from second hand smoke has been consented to as they choose to visit said public place. This would seem to conclude that smoking in public is only an other regarding action if it has been consented to, and therefore that smoking should be allowed freely in all public places. However, non-smokers if they sought to visit non-smoking pubs and clubs would have very limited choice. Even more importantly individuals who work in areas where smoking is allowed will suffer even greater health risks due to their constant interaction with second hand smoke. Goodin argued that passive smoking generally occurs as unavoidable consequence of being in proximity to smokers and thus they are involuntarily smoking.14 Therefore, it can be argued, there is actually no consent, so this cannot be used as a defence against ban of smoking in public places. If consent is not an argument for allowing smoking in public places, then it is certainly used when countering a complete smoking ban. Anti-Smoking ban individuals state that they have consented to smoking, and thus to the harm itself. Therefore they did not require any paternalistic state intervention. Dworkin summarises this stating the incurring of harm requires the active co-operation of the victim.15 This supports Mills idea that an individual is the best judge of their own actions, and they want to smoke and know the consequences it is their right to do so. However Goodin makes an interesting contradiction. As tobacco is addictive due to chemicals such as nicotine then the individual only consents to the first cigarette, as they cannot help but smoke after this. Goodin argues if the product is truly addictive, then we have no more reason to respect the persons voluntary choice (however well informed) to abandon his future validation to an addiction than we have for respecting a persons voluntary choice (however well informed) to sell himself to slavery.16 There are more practical objections to a complete ban on smoking however. Barry, amongst others, points out a utilitarian view supporting smoking. If smoking was to be banned, and tobacco was to be made an illegal substance society would see many negative consequences. There would be an increase in crime, both of the users and dealers of tobacco, and a gangster culture would develop around tobacco just as it has with controlled goods. As tobacco would be very expensive to (illegally) purchase, crime rates would increase that way as users may commit crime to fund their expensive habit.17 This can easily be related with the criticism of Mills Harm Theory that smoking is not an other regarding action due to its cost to society. If smoking was to be banned completely the increase in crime because of this would have a larger detrimental cost than would be saved through the decrease in NHS and social spending. The question remains, should smoking be banned? Strictly following the Harm Principle it would seem that smoking should be banned in public, but in private, as then it is only harming the user. However, this is only the case if you agree that smoking in private is a self regarding action. We have seen arguments both for and against classify smoking as a completely other regarding action and if this is the case then in theory smoking should be completely banned. Smoking should also be banned completely if you believe the state should play a paternalistic role in protecting its citizens from the harm of smoking. Consent obviously plays a role in this topic and we have seen how it has been argued that a smoker who consents to the harm should be allowed to continue smoking, although there have even been contradictions to this. Practicality should not forgotten, and a complete ban in smoking raises some serious concerns about the social effect this would have. It seems then that a compromise is needed in order to decide whether smoking should be banned. A ban in public places seems to be best solution to the problem; it protects passive smokers yet eliminates the danger to society that would occur if smoking was completely banned. Of course, some would argue we are still letting individuals harm themselves, however adult humans know the risk of smoking, and on a whole the cost to the individual is less than the possible cost to society. It seems J.S Mills Harm Principle is ideal for addressing the question of a smoking ban, and a ban on public smoking, as seen in the UK and states around the world is the best solution. 1 N. Barry, Modern Political Theory 4th ed. (Basingstoke; Macmillan Press Ltd, 2000) p.211 2 Ibid. p.211 3 D.D. Raphael, Problems of Political Philosophy 2ND ed. (London; Pall Mall Press Ltd, 1990) p.78 4http:/ accessed December 5 2009 5 R. Garner, Introduction to Politics (Oxford; Oxford University Press, 2009) p.100 6 Garner (2009) p101 8 Rapheal (1990) p.66 9 Ibid. p66 10 Barry (2000) p.101 11 Rapheal (1990) p.81 12 R.E Goodin, The Ethics of Smoking, Ethics, Vol.99, No.3, (1989) p.588 13 Goodin (1989) p.586 14 Ibid. p.586 15 Goodin (1989) p.579 16Ibid p.586 17Barry (2001) p.219

Monday, August 19, 2019

Social Darwinism: Herbert Spencer and The Catholic Church Essay

Herbert Spencer was the most important Social Darwinist of the 19th Century. He was the first to begin thinking about evolutionist long before Darwin came out with his book on the "Origins of Species". He had many theories such as that everything evolves from one basic creature and then breaks off into more diverse species (Haberman (Hab.), 171). His theory was that social, political, and intellectual movements were caused by the development from the homogeneous to the heterogeneous. Spencer once stated, "If the advance of man towards greater heterogeneity is traceable to the production of many effects by one cause, still more clearly may the advance of society towards greater heterogeneity be so explained" (Haberman 2 (Hab2)) Spencer believed that governments should not try to change social environment, for it would hamper with processes of nature and individual liberty (Hab). He had a theory that evil would disappear if "every man may claim the fullest liberty to exercise his faculties"(Hab). Although this would onl...

The Natural Environment and the Human Condition :: Environment Environmental Pollution Preservation

To consider the human condition apart from the natural environment is both foolish and inconceivable. It is in unity with a modern mode of thought that humans are raised to think that they are in some way separated from their natural environment. In developed society the weather has become nothing more than something to discuss with the person standing next to you in the checkout line. Population refers to how many people will be at the movies this weekend. Agriculture is what shows up in the produce section of the grocery store and fire is something you can find on You_Tube and watch on your television screen. Practically nothing directly relates to the environment that we are so intrinsically a part of. Humanity has neglected to develop a consciousness about its position in a world, which includes but is not defined by human society. As far as we know, the beginnings of humanity date back to 3.5 million years ago. Homo erectus (the earliest form of man) was roaming the earth, in Africa, with his hands free enabling him to travel great distances and utilize basic stone tools. The species Homo erectus lived in small, hunter-gatherer groups. Because of constant movement, in search of vegetation and game in addition to a small population, he was unable to leave a lasting impact on the environment. (Ponting) Essentially, he was a very smart ape. (McCrone) Just 100,000 years ago came the development of Homo sapiens whom had a larger brain case and far more advanced hunting techniques, using bolas stones, snarling and trapping. And 30,000 years ago came the development of Homo sapiens sapiens. The bow and arrow was developed along with the needle and thread. Tools and technology were quickly developing and man had the resourcefulness for global spread. The manipulation of fire is regarded as one of mans greatest feats concerning early technology. There is a debate as to when man first intentionally used fire, McCrone argues that Homo erectus was successfully using fire as a tool about 1.5 million years ago. He doesn't think that Homo erectus would have been able to spread its population the way it did without the use of fire which would have facilitated cooking, food preservation and tool making; all of which would have been necessary to migrate great distances. There is evidence of hearths being used in Europe as early as 400,000 years ago, which clearly require controlled use of fire.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Willy Loman, Redefining the Tragic Hero in Arthur Millers Death of a S

Willy Loman, Redefining the Tragic Hero in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman      Ã‚  Ã‚   The events in the life of Willy Loman in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman are no doubt tragic, yet whether or not he can be considered a tragic hero in a traditional sense is a topic requiring some discussion. Aristotle set the criteria for qualities a character must possess in order to be considered a tragic hero. In order to reach a conclusion on this matter, all six criteria must be examined to determine whether or not they are present in the character of Willy Loman. The first criterion for a tragic hero is hamartia, or a tragic flaw in the character's personality that brings about their downfall. Willy Loman definitely does possess a tragic flaw, and in his case it is pride. Loman cannot accept that he is a terrible salesman, a substandard provider, and suffering from mental illness. He borrows money every week from Charley, his neighbor, so that he can tell his family stories of his successful sales trips. While Willy definitely does possess a tragic flaw, another criterion required by Aristotle is peripeteia, a character's reversal near the end of the story for the purpose of self-reservation. Willy definitely does not meet this criterion. When Willy is terminated from his job late in the story, Charley offers him a job working for him, but feeling too much pride, Willy turns it down, saying he's already got a job. He turns down a chance to make a decent means to finish paying off his house and refrigerator, but turns it down because of his stubborn pride. A tragic hero must have a mix of both good and bad qualities, predominantly good, so that they are more of a character that readers could relate ... ...Sons in which the main characters are somewhat like tragic heroes but lack the high standing. They are all just common people, which might lead to the idea that Arthur Miller tried to create a mold for an American tragic hero. This however, is not a topic relevant to this assignment. So overall, Willy Loman is not a tragic hero, but just an unlucky man destined to be the Low Man. Sources Field, B.S.   "Death of a Salesman" Twentieth Century Literature.   January, 1972. 19-24.   Rpt. in World Literary Criticism.   Ed. Frank Magill.  Ã‚   "Arthur Miller" Detroit: Gale Research, 1992.   2366-2368. Hoeveler, D. J.   "Redefining the Tragic Hero Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman: Modern Critical Interpretations.   Ed. Harold Blum.   Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1988. 72-81. Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman. Gerald Weales, ed. New York: Penguin, 1996

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Cell Phone Design Operation Management

Shortening the duration of the project As the duration of the project is directly dependent on the duration of critical path, we should make the critical path shorter; in this case we need to re-plan the project. Manager should shorten the duration or work on a task on the critical path, this can have a significant impact on the overall duration of the project, or they should change a task constraint to allow for more scheduling flexibility.We have a number of options and we should assess the impact of each on the project’s cost, quality and time required to complete it. For example, we should increase resource available for each project activity to bring down time spent on each but the impact of some of this would be insignificant and a more efficient way of doing this would be to look only at activities on the critical path. Adding more resources to a project to shorten its duration is called crashing. We should do the crash action to shorten the critical path but In some si tuations.Shortening the original critical path of a project can lead to a different series of activities becoming the critical path, so the management should be aware of this. As our information is limited in this case we can’t analysis the cost of putting more resources on some activities to speed it up by analyzing the original cost, crash cost we can estimate the crash cost per week we can compute the crash result and have enough information for cost analysis and make decision. We can use the pert analysis and crash action to shorten the project’s duration by shortening the factors of critical path.Some possible ideas for shortening the duration of subproject of the critical path are completing the software supplier specification in 4 weeks rather than 6 weeks, this would shorten the project by two weeks by putting additional input on this section but it will raise the project cost, the other one is D7, if we put more resources on this project and finish it in 2 wee ks as it is a constraint for D1 and both of them are in critical path it will reduce the duration of project significantly, by combination of these two we will reduce the duration by 4 weeks, from 36 weeks to 32 weeks, but as it was mentioned before the cost analysis is still important in making decision.The other change that I recommend is they should break a critical task into smaller tasks that can be worked on simultaneously by different resources, for example the functionality can be divided in to two tasks which one of them is relevant to camera and the other one relevant to user interface, in this case not only the duration of the task will change but the constraints of this task will also l change relatively so this also will reduce the duration of the project. In general they should revise task dependencies to allow more scheduling flexibility, and for additional resources they can schedule overtime to assign additional resources to work on critical path tasks, because by b ringing new staff in the project the alignment and interrelationship between teams will be another problem that should be solved. By Microsoft project management we can have more detail analysis of cost such as crash, perk analysis, milestones and the overall of project running, attached are the same analysis from MS project.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Basketball †Observation Essay

Honorable guest of honors, ministers, parents, friends, and students, l would like to welcome you to Borrowdale Brooke Academy Sports day. School sports day is a red letter day on the calendar. It is a day when students are freed from their classrooms to jump and run around, freed from the fetters of learning. It is a day for mothers to wear their summary best and fathers to cheer on their sons. It’s a day when children who may struggle with academic subjects show that they can race faster or jump further than anyone else. It’s a day for red faces and perspiration where t-shirts and shorts are the order of the day. It’s a day for starter guns or teachers with whistles. School sports day is a day for cameras and videos and smiling faces. It’s a day for triumph and disasters, for successes and failures. Speeches are given and medals are presented and, overall, it’s a day for sportsmanship and making memories. This year, I am pleased to see, many are competing encompassing over 50 staff and family members in a wide variety of events. Not least of which is the tug-of-war which I am told will be vigorously contested. As I look around here today I am reminded once again of just how passionate teachers are about sport and what great competitors you all are. One of the consistencies I see when I watch students play at school is the love BBA Students have for sport. And what a great thing sport is on so many levels. Beyond the obvious health and activity benefits, sport can teach us much about life. It teaches us about teamwork, it teaches us how to get along with others, and it teaches us to work together to achieve a common goal. It’s also about trust and responsibility and about dealing with success and failure. Sport also helps us learn about coping with pressure and the need to stick with training in order to improve. As well as the benefits to individuals, sports and physical activity also bring great benefits to communities through such things as improved health and education, rehabilitation, crime prevention, and gender equality. Another important aspect of sports is its ability to make people feel they are part of something. In a survey done on our last sports day, everybody interviewed said that â€Å"the event made them feel a part of Borrowdale Brooke Academy. Borrowdale Brooke Academy recognizes the value of using sport as vehicle for development But while the challenges are great, so is the commitment to find solutions. I want to acknowledge all the good work done by Teachers and also parents. Everybody has a responsibility to work towards making communities safer. To achieve that goal parents and teachers need to work closely together. This sports day is an excellent way to bring people together in a relaxed environment that will build lasting networks and friendships across the sector. I congratulate the organizers and particularly the director of studies Mrs. Henney, the principal Mrs. Rutsito and his deputy Mr. Muridzi, the technical coordinators Mr. Maviki, and other members of the organizing team who have done a great job in putting together today’s program. And now it only leaves me to wish all competitors good luck and to declare the First annual Borrowdale Brooke Academy Sports Day open. Thank you.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

How far is Hamlet dominated by a Christian worldview? Essay

England during the 17th century was a Christian society and country. All Children would most certainly have been baptised shortly after birth and once at a suitable age capable of understanding religion would be taught the essentials of Christian faith. Attendance at church was compulsory; failure to do so without a good medical reason or otherwise would lead to a hefty fine. During the 16th century in England those of Christian faith subsequently despised other races against that of Protestantism, and any other religion or paranormal existence that they did not understand. The persecution of Jews within Elizabethan England meant the state forbade them the rights to ownership of land or to engage in trade. Shakespeare showed an incredible understanding and knowledge of issues and crises of his time, introducing burning issues of today into his deeply Christian country that showed an inability of understanding and respecting other faiths and religions. Within the pre-Elizabethan period and onwards society was influenced heavily by the head of state, religion and new theoretician’s ideas. A Theocentric world view stated that everything was circled around God, hence the ‘Divine Right of Kings’ , which derived itself from this idea, proclaiming the head of state was put into power due to the approval and justification of God. This idea generally became associated with the Christian faith during the Renaissance period of the late 16th and early 17th centuries which was spreading rapidly through Europe settling much cultural diversity. The Renaissance was a time of rebirth and massive cultural turmoil. Artists and performers of all kinds within Western Europe became more aware of the classical past and the world beyond the narrow boundaries of medieval mysticism and religion. Poetry and writing was nonetheless influenced heavily by the general acceptance to new ideas. Shakespeare shows that he was conscious of the feudal world within which he was raised, continuously questioning every aspect of society. Shakespeare would most definitely be considered to be a ‘Renaissance’ or ‘Modern Man’. Aristotelian Tragedy would have had some impressionable effect upon Shakespeare’s ideas. He would adopt the idea that every tragedy must contain a ‘Tragic Hero’, and that this person has a fatal flaw that will lead to his eventual downfall (and death). Also Seneca’s tragedies which were finally published in England in 1581 would have had some effect upon the way in which Shakespeare would have composed his plays. He adopted many ideas including, a supernatural being proposing revenge, characters driven to madness, embedded narratives within the play . etc. Christianity was not just a religion within 16th century England but a political pivot point for argument and debate. In 1559 Parliament enacted the ‘Act of Uniformity’ and the ‘Oath of Supremacy’. By the introduction of these two laws by Henry VII and his heir Elizabeth I ensured the loyalty of their strongest political supporters and in turn condemning Roman Catholics. The following is an excerpt taken from the ‘Oath of Supremacy’ published in 1559: †I [†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ] do utterly testify and declare in my conscience that the Queen’s Highness is the only supreme governor of this realm, and of all other her Highness’s dominions and countries, as well in all spiritual or ecclesiastical things or causes, as temporal, and that no foreign prince, person, prelate, state or potentate hath or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence or authority ecclesiastical or spiritual within this realm.. † This quote fundamentally states the allegiance and sincerity of one towards the Head of State, swearing ones loyalty to them alone and not to another figure head or person of command. Despite political interventions within humanity and society, Shakespeare highlights issues which would then have been disregarded as being evil, such as apparitions and supernatural occurrences. Many examples could be identified however ones of relevance are plenty within ‘Hamlet’. Within Act I, Scene I an apparition of King Hamlet appears, which later on within the play urges Hamlet to avenge his death. This would heighten the audience’s suspense due to the drama involved. Shakespeare surprises both the audience and the characters within the play by introducing a ghost, creating a hugely effective atmosphere of anxiety and fear throughout the scene. Elizabethan people misunderstood paranormal existences and this phantom would have heightened their (the audiences) suspicions and fears towards them (the ghosts) furthermore. Many people of Shakespeare’s time regarded ghosts as the devil himself. The play is very much written in a pro-Christian era and many aspects of Christianity show through. Hamlet’s voice comes through however, sceptical of this. Hamlet contemplates the idea of committing suicide within his soliloquy in Act I, Scene II as he cries, ‘O that this too too solid flesh would melt, Thaw and resolve itself into a dew, Or that the Everlasting had not fixed his canon ‘gainst self-slaughter. O God, O God! ‘ Here Shakespeare shows us that suicide is not favourably looked upon and even seen as an act that would leave you in purgatory (as is King Hamlet’s), waiting for one’s sins to be forgiven and for redemption to commence itself. Quote King Hamlet, ‘I was sent to my account with all the horrible imperfections on my head. O horrible, O horrible, most horrible! ‘ However it must not be forgotten that ‘Hamlet’ is first and foremost a play about revenge. Prince Hamlet was asked by his ‘father’ to pursue vengeance for this wrongdoing. An Elizabethan audience would understand the complication involved with the ideas of revenge. Shakespeare uses an allegory within the play, where Denmark represents England regarding views on Christian beliefs, such as suicide, death, redemption and paranormal beings . etc. Within the period of ‘Hamlet’s’ composition there were many factors which Shakespeare commented upon by incorporating them within his plays. By understanding the structure of society and the role that Christianity and religion played within Shakespearean England we empathize why within a few scenarios Hamlet was deterred from undertaking certain actions immediately, the murder of Claudius at prayer for example. The audience that viewed this play would also have related to Hamlet’s actions, his steadiness and composure with which he performed everything and acted. However to a modern day audience if Hamlet was a person living at present and was to act the way as Shakespeare intended him to then his actions would be heavily frowned upon by many as no longer do we (a majority [not applicable to religious followers] ) regard religion as a major factor within our lives. Due to our secular society, despite somewhat of a Christian favouritism in schools for example, we fail to identify (before education) with the way in which Prince Hamlet thinks. We ask the following question, why does Hamlet abide by the conceptual ideas laid down by society? Hamlet had no other choice than to undertake his actions the way he did as Shakespeare, his creator, wrote from influences surrounding him. England like Denmark was a troubled country as it still feared the spread of Roman Catholicism by another incident such as the failed Spanish Armada of 1588. In modern times, spanning over the last two centuries, many wars have been studied by people and they have come to the realisation that our world too is a world of politics with underlying motives such as a battle of religion. Issues such as feminism regarding ‘Hamlet’ have allowed various playwrights such as Heiner Muller, author of ‘Hamletmachine’ to show the subordination of women within society. He gives a voice to two main characters, Prince Hamlet and Ophelia, so that they are able to speak their minds within this bizarre production. The oppression and victimization of Ophelia is shown to the audience. Ophelia is allowed to make moral thoughts and decisions where in turn she can find herself as a person not just a sexual object. She shows this hatred towards the patriarchal society within which Shakespeare wrote the original ‘Hamlet’. Ideas of feminist movements are highlighted within ‘Hamletmachine’ in contrast to ‘Hamlet’, which shows women as objects controlled by men. (Ophelia controlled by her father Polonius. )(Gertrude controlled by her King, Claudius. ) And in turn it seems as though if women disobey their ‘masters’ they face the consequence that destiny presents to them, death. ‘There are more things dreamt of in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy. ‘ What is philosophy? Philosophy is when there are no limits of exploration as to questioning underlying factors which makes this creation of life what it is. This is exactly what Hamlet says to Horatio in Act I, Scene VI, ‘There are more things dreamt of in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy. ‘ What Hamlet is basically saying is never disbelieve. Anything is possible, never oppose, wrongfully criticize or demean an object never before witnessed or seen. A modern day audience would understand specific actions after having grasped what the 17th century religious influence within society was like. However the way in which the government intervenes itself regarding religion has greatly changed in that it is now no longer seen as a way to indoctrinate people and influence them.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

My words of Wisdom

My Words of Wisdom We are all human beings who need to live together on the same earth, but different environments have different characteristics that can help us achieve goals. Some of us like to stay in the safe zone and enjoy the tranquil moments; some of us like to conquer the Nonverbal of our imagination and enjoy exciting moments; some of us with creative spirits enjoy taking extraordinary journeys. No matter which type of life we choose or which type characteristics we have, challenge always acts as a naughty kid, who hides in he corner and makes us either scream and run away or smile and embrace him as a friend.Lee Perry said, â€Å"You can do what you think you can do, so think you can do it, and do it. † The image math gave to me is a weirdo model consisting of a digital compiled body covered by parabola hair send out flashing radical signals once in a while. The model's circular face is embedded with lonely points for eyes and a logical expression that IS dry and wi thout tedious emotions. When we draw close to it, we feel like we are lost in a barren dessert. There we step into a sea of sand, dazed by the mirages of different types of questions which make us flounder hopelessly to find our direction.Although our survival desire is strong, we are too often too lethargic to stand up and confront our delusions of grandeur. Every time when I attended math class, I was scared to step into the classroom. Why? Not all Asians are geniuses at math; at least I am the one who is not. The math terminology spoken out from the math teacher was an alien language that blew through my ears and left a breeze in my brain but no knowledge manned. The problem or test I got from the math class was like a blank puzzle, but had no idea how to solve it.I finally find the way to solve this problem. I realized that there was no way that I could solve this problem or test; so I quit. Coming to the U. S. Gave me a second chance to retake the math, and I appreciate this ch ance. With a speeding heartbeat, I walked into my first math class (MAT 120) at MAC. In my mind, felt a bunch of questions swirling like a whirlwind around in my brain. I imagined that I heard a devil's choice shouting out with a contemptuous laugh, â€Å"You think you will understand the math in English?There's no way! † In my deepest mind, a voice burst out like a volcano, and the energy flowed into every cell of my body: â€Å"In the future, do not look back and view your life with regret; do the best you can now so that you can look forward to a promising future. † â€Å"Challenge accepted! † I told myself. Every class when I listen to the lesson, my ears start to translate the instructor's words, and save information into my memory area. I do not skip the difficult problems.I read the book to understand the examples, ask friends, teachers, and tutors questions about what I do not fully understand to help me boost my knowledge. Spend whole afternoons working with tutors and studying in the math center to finish my homework. Gradually, the way American instructors teach me becomes like a sparkling rope that guides me in the right direction as take the long, dark journey to conquer math. The method that tutors taught me like a sword of wisdom to help me eliminate the math enemies. I realize that I enjoy the moment when my pen writes out the right answers to problems.I enjoy seeing those numbers dance with cheerful rhythm to celebrate their lively show in the realistic world. In that moment, I know that I have learned how to treat math as a part of my life, not a weirdo model that I am scared to touch. When I received the highest score after finishing my first math class at MAC, I was crying and laughing. The complex emotions I felt were like a salad mixed with different ingredients, full of sweet, sour, spicy, and bitter tastes. Challenges are monsters if people are too scared to confront them and convert them onto allies.Challenges are only fortunate if people embrace them as they are, accept the responsibility to grow to deserve them, and dedicate themselves to making them a vibrant part of their lives. Then, in old age, people can look back upon their lives and see how the path that they have taken has led them upward to a mountain top. From this summit, they can view the distant valleys and say to themselves, â€Å"l have followed a good path, have kept the Way, and I have achieved my goals. I have lived a good life. Now, look forward to my next challenge. †

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Analyzing and identifying news paper articles Essay

Analyzing and identifying news paper articles - Essay Example The write considers it unfortunate that the Obama’s administration has conceived the proposal from the republican senate to elevate the spending regarding the nuclear plants. The author is critical of this and considers it overtly a wrong policy. The author recognizes that America needs a well strategic defense plan that commensurate that of the Russian-along time political enemy that traces back to the onset of the cold war, with this, he is quick to note that is not in preparation to go to war with the communist republic but to ensure that the country is put under constant checks not to keep frustrating the neighbors because of her sophisticated nuclear weapons. The author has considered that much spending that geared on defense is unnecessary and can be better directed in some other policies since the defense that the American has mounted is sufficient to cushion the American from any external aggression. In support of his recommendations, the author has cited several reasons why his view is important. He cites that America have the plans to from 2013 institutionalize a nuclear weapon that is rather simple, safer, reliable and would not require testing (OHanlon 8). On the other hand, he says that to construct such a nuclear plant that do not require testing needs a lot of money and that it will be overwhelming to manage the exercise. Amongst the current programs that the writer considers not necessary in mounting defense in the US are the upgrades in California and Alaska regarding the ground-based strategy (OHanlon 6). This includes the concurrent construction of the sea-based as well as the land-based which are considered theater system of defense. This is also coupled with other two land-based defense system dubbed short-range defense. The author then records that the latter programs can be cancelled and the defense system will not be compromised at

Gender, Social Exclusion and Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Gender, Social Exclusion and Technology - Essay Example Two different perspectives suggested by Bohan (1993, pp.6) can be used to explain the differences between boys and girls – the theories of Essentialism and Constructionism. Essentialism is intrinsic to the individual and places the formation or origin of gender-specific attributes within the individual. Constructionism, on the other hand, looks at gender characteristics as a component of the actions and acts of the individual, extrinsic to the individual. Gender, in Constructionism, is therefore considered external to the self.   From this perspective, the gender qualities cannot be said to be based on biological sex. According to Bohan, what the individual does when he interacts with others is gender, not what the individual possesses. Essentialism, however consider gender to be an intrinsic phenomenon -- a set of actions that individual possesses inherently. According to the constructionist perspective the social realm is where gender is located. Gender is defined in terms of ‘doing’. Gender itself is defined as a routine, methodical and recurring accomplishment. To fit into the roles of being competent members of the society, men and women convert the ‘doing’ of gender into action. When gender is viewed in this perspective, it is not some genetic traits or roles that we possess biologically, but is rather a output of social influence that is manifested by what we do or how we behave. Gender is therefore an active rather than a passive concept.   Examples of ‘doing’ gender abound in common day-to-day experiences.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Podcast summary 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Podcast summary 3 - Essay Example He begins by highlighting the obvious basics by making the listeners understand what actually creativity and innovativeness encompasses. According to him, creativity is just getting some old ideas and blending them with new things and done in new ways. He goes on to mention it is the simple things that makes creativity, the aspect of having an independent thought that is different and can provide a solution. He also mentions that the porous exchange of ideas enhances creativity and ensures that every individual has a platform of thinking besides the obvious. He uses various examples to explain his points while providing that innovativeness is based on the old things that person desire to see improvement in. He brings forth various principles that should be adhered to in a workplace foe the staff to demonstrate creativity and innovativeness. The first thing is that all staff should be free to share their ideas irrespective of how odd they may seem. The second thing is the development of an official policy that encourages creativity in the workforce. He also talks about charisma that is geared towards bringing forth empty words that have few actions. He rather advocates for a leadership that is capable of enforcing what they have believed in. According to him any creative idea or innovation that cannot be made to work is not worth the effort. He points out that individuals need to develop their creativity in a simple way based on old ideas. The issues raised by Bob have so much significance in the workplaces. Creativity and innovativeness that does not benefit the organization is not in any way worthy. In order to make the workplace better, the thing is to make the ideas that are brought forth by each member of the workforce usable. Otherwise, the employee are likely to feel out of place and shut their innovative and creative thoughts hence retaining he status quo. Organizations that are aware of the potential in their workforce are

Sunday, August 11, 2019

First Writing Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

First Writing Assignment - Essay Example Most members of the Black community were also left homeless as their residences had been destroyed by the whites during the riots that had been racially motivated. Oklahoma had passed state legislation that entrenched racial segregation while its constitution disfranchised most blacks from voting or serving in juries or administrative duties. On August 16, 1916, Tulsa had passed an ordinance that forbade blacks or whites from taking residence in a block in which three quarters were members of the other race, a law which had been found to be illegal by the Supreme Court. After the First World War, the veterans, especially those from the Black community, started fighting for their civil rights mainly through racially motivated riots. On Monday, May 30, 1921 which was Memorial Day, Dick Rowland, a shoe shiner of black origin was alleged to have assaulted or in some versions raped Sarah Page, a while elevator operator and reported to the authorities. The authorities conducted an investigation which, was low key in manner but Rowland due to fear went into hiding in the Greenwood neighborhood where his mother stayed though Page was not pressing for any charges. This happening brought about a lot of debate about what happened with the Tulsa Tribune, sensationalizing the matter and demanding for the nabbing, and if possible the lynching of Rowland. There was also a stand-off at the Tulsa County Courthouse where the white people had gathered with intention to lynch Rowland. The black community in the nearby Greenwood Avenue also mobilized themselves in an attempt to protect Rowland from any lynching that the white community intended to commit. With both communities, the white and the black armed, they surrounded the co urthouse despite being told to go back to their homes and avoid any act of confrontation or acts of violence.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Critically Evaluate the Claim That the Processes of Globalization Are Essay

Critically Evaluate the Claim That the Processes of Globalization Are Undermining the Democratic State - Essay Example The discussion includes the definitions of globalization and democracy and the interrelation between them. It proceeds to discuss the threat caused by globalization to democracy and factors of globalization responsible for this threat. The roles of the governments and individuals with to globalization and its impact on democracy has also been evaluated in the paper along with the role of economic globalization in undermining democratic state. The argument is supported by adequate evidences to support the idea of the discussion. This report makes a conclusion that there are many economists who are of the opinion that globalization has paved the way for the formation of democratic states where there is no democracy. The people of those authoritarian countries have started demanding for democracy and this could have been possible because of the globalization. According to the theories of democracy it is the government of the people, for the people and by the people. If we examine the impact of globalization on these theories we may say that there are democratic governments formed by the people. But according to the moral principles of democracy it can be easily observed that the globalization has undermined the democratic state. The welfare of the common people is totally neglected in this age of globalization and it has also widened the gap between the rich and the poor tremendously.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Macroeconomics. The oils price Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Macroeconomics. The oils price - Essay Example However, how the various economic indicators behave during this short period of 'supply shock' and how they forecast performance or health of the economy in the coming period is the moot question. Inflation may be defined as "state of economy, where there is a general and abnormal rise in price of all goods and services". Recession is a state of economy where there is a "slump in Gross Domestic Product in two or three successive quarters of a year with general price rise or fall". In the short run, when a price of a product which is consumed every sector of the economy which contribute to GDP have suddenly risen, other things remain the same, lead to rising prices all commodities and services, fall in real value of money and slow down of economic growth. This phenomenon is attributed to 'supply shock'. Built-in inflation - induced by adaptive expectations, often linked to the "price/wage spiral" because it involves workers trying to keep their wages up with prices and then employers passing higher costs on to consumers as higher prices as part of a "vicious circle". Built-in inflation reflects events in the past, and so might be seen as hangover inflation. It is also known as "inertial" inflation, "inflationary momentum", and even "structural inflation. Cost Push inflation or Supply... Built-in inflation - induced by adaptive expectations, often linked to the "price/wage spiral" because it involves workers trying to keep their wages up with prices and then employers passing higher costs on to consumers as higher prices as part of a "vicious circle". Built-in inflation reflects events in the past, and so might be seen as hangover inflation. It is also known as "inertial" inflation, "inflationary momentum", and even "structural inflation. SUPPLY SHOCK INFLATION OR COST PUSH INFLATION: Cost Push inflation or Supply Shock inflation is caused by the rise in price of an important commodity for which there was no alternative, and consequent of which there was a general rise in price of all commodities and services. While the examples for cost push inflation are many viz., failure of monsoon/draught in an agrobased economy which would shoot up inflation etc.,. the best example in the modern industrialised countries, is rise in prices of petroleum prodoucts. Dependence to petroleum products in any economy need not be emphasised and it may not be forgotten that the crisis faced by the world in the year 1970 is attributed to the rise in oil prices all over the world. Since, petroluem is important for moving the economy in all industrial including agricultural dependent countries, any upward movement in the price will cause a cascading movement in the price of all commodities and services and it will have persistant effect. However, there are different school of thought which opine, that the reduction in oil price after 1970 have not contributed in reduction in general price level, hence, rise in oil prices have not directly caused inflation in 1970. However, Keynesian economists argue that many prices are 'sticky