Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Australopithecines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Australopithecines - Essay ExampleMany changes in the physical environment contributed to the evolution of these early humans.Australopithecines comprise a genus of primitive hominids that resided in Eastern Africa intimately 4.2 million years ago. Many scientists think that some of the australopithecine species are direct ancestors to humans. Others believe that the Australopithecines dissemble a branch of hominids from which humans evolved, but are not directly related to humans. There some(prenominal) established taxonomic methods for classifying the australopithecines, but the four most frequently acknowledged species are genus genus Australopithecus afarensis, Australopithecus africanus, Australopithecus gamyus, and Australopithecus boisei (Chardin). The species can be differentiated, because A. robustus and A. boisei have bigger bones and are more than than robust than A. afarensis and A.africanus (ONeill).Most species of the Australopithecus were not any more adept at us ing tools than youthful primates. But, Australopithecus garhi seems to have been the most sophisticated, because its remnants have been discovered near tools and slaughtered animal carcasses, which suggests the advent of a highly primitive tool conception. This caused many scientists to infer that A. garhi must be the predecessor of the Homo genus, even though upstart deductions held that A. garhi was merely competition to the ancestral Homo species.The brains of most Australopithecus species were barely 35% the size of the newfangled human brain (Foley). Most species of Australopithecus were small and gracile in nature, often standing no more than 1.2 meters in height (Wikipedia). Fossil records seem to indicate that Australopithecus is the ancestor of a specialized classification of hominids, known as genus Paranthropus, but are not direct ancestors of the genus Homo, which encompasses modern humans. Both the Paranthropus and Homo genera have proven to be more progressed in b ehavior and customs than the Australopithecus, which were hardly more than bipedal chimps. It is still widely accepted that only the descedants of Homo would go on to generate manner of speaking and learn how to use fire.Though opinions certainly vary in regards to whether the species aethiopicus, boisei and robustus should be placed within the genus Australopithecus, the scientific community currently places them in the genus differ as to whether the species aethiopicus, boisei and robustus should be included within the genus Paranthropus. Paranthropus is suasion to have originated from the Australopithecus lineage. Until recently, many scientists classified all Australopithecus species within a single genus. Paranthropus, because it was large and more robust, was physically different from Australopithecus, and its superior anatomy implied that its behaviors might have been very different from that of its ancestor. The more diminutive and gracile forms such as Australopithecus a fricanus and Australopithecus afarensis are commonly assumed to be the closest relatives to humans. But, some studies have shown that Australopithecus africanus had a body shape more connatural to that of the modern apes than to the members of the genus Homo. Still, the gracile australopithecines are considered to be the earliest known true hominids, because australopithecines and humans are biologically similar enough to be classified in the family Hominidae (Nickels). Australopithecines

How Mediation can serve worker's compensation Essay

How Mediation can serve workers compensation - show Examplet in the presence of a facilitator to address their contend and to examine significant slipway of resolving it where the offender can fairly compensate the dupe.Victim-Offender mediation architectural plans are divided into a subroutine of stages. In all programs however, the first step begins with the referral of an offender to the program, which is usually done by victim avail staffers or prosecutors or parole officers or judges. Trained mediators are also sought. Before the trained facilitator meets with the victim and offenders for a mediation session, he meets each of them separately and hears the side of each individual. During this meeting, the facilitator explains the program to the individual and encourages the participation of the individual. Through these meetings, the facilitator gains the trust of the victim and offender and is able to create a rapport. After this separate meeting, the victim and offender agree to participate in the reconciliation program and a face-to-face meeting is plan by the facilitator.In regard to its history, the victim-offender reconciliation program was first established in Canada in 1974, and in 1978, it was established in the United States.2 Today, the United States has approximately 300 victim-offender reconciliation programs. The reason behind the programs success in the United States is the fact that accepted the principle of restorative justice. The programs emerged from early dispute resolution programs that were the initial forms of restorative justice.The Victim-Offender Reconciliation Programs are categorized into four models. These are church-based programs, community-based programs, probationbased or system-based programs and dispute settlement centers.3Church-based victim-offender reconciliation programs are based on biblical principles of renewal, reconciliation and pardon and physical exercise volunteers. They are viewed as the best by vic tim-offender reconciliation program advocates.4 This is due to the fact that

Monday, April 29, 2019

Problems of Inside Trading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Problems of Inside Trading - Essay ExampleAlso, their firms as salubrious as those people who engender invested in them heavily risk suffering financial ruin. Despite this issue, a number of people wake up doubts based on their understanding of insider art. These doubts usually prompt concern regarding the justice that surrounds the persecution of insider barter as well as the harsh honorable judgments that people make regarding insider traders. These doubts prevail while trying to identify the honorable wrong that prevails in the case of insider trading (Cohen, 2011). This paper will lay emphasis on the moral problems that are affiliated with insider trading and their influence in stock trading.An argument from the harmful side of insider trading maintains that it is wrong because it causes complaisant harm. In this case, causing harm implies leading to failure to realize optimal social good or social welfare. In the case of a securities exchange, the losers and winners are those people who bring out harmful prices and those who get good prices. When other things are held to be equal, the soulfulness who has the best information about what is macrocosm sold and bought is in a better position to find appropriate bargains that can allow him to get the best price (Shaub, 2011).While competing against corporate insiders who are in possession of superior information, a person increases the risk of losing. Most ordinary traders usually trade alongside insiders, and thus insider trading later undermines the sanction in the securities market, and thereby deterring investments. This incidence later raises the price that a firm is supposed to pay so as to raise capital and also hinders the economic growth of a society and development of a firm (Strudler, 2009).Most societies have moral reasons to protect themselves from being subjected to this form of economic harm, and the laws that prohibit insider trading provide appropriate protection. In this

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Cultural Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Cultural multifariousness - Essay ExampleTherefore, these issues need to be decide at governmental as well as individual level.The joined States has had an extensive history of diversity. Diversity has permeated in every aspect of the society of United State and there is no sign of it acquire decreased. The new phenomenon which I learnt is the basic reason of cultural diversity, which is Immigration. Migration of people from all over the world has do America the most diversified country ever. People from every community, country and state are bread and butter in America.The cultural history of United States tells that the country has never been so much diverse until the eventually two decades. From the past 20 years, United States has undergone several challenges in managing with diversity.Inability to understand the diversified cultural languages, rituals, beliefs and heritage has become a major obstacle in the way of inclusion. Orientation of diversity includes interaction, put through and individual understanding with diverse culture. In the past few decades, millions of people migrated to America in the anticipate of better life, job and security. Migrations of millions of people including Asians, Hispanics, African-American has caused great diversity in the states of America. According to an urban sociologist, Robert Lang, by 2050, Americans would look back and think that it wouldnt be a big deal to control the immigration and diversity controversies.A demographer at Brookings Institution, William Frey, says that by looking at the current situation, the population of light people in next twenty years cannot be appreciated. According to his predictions, there are great chances for America in future to have population comprising of all ethnicities and races.The realm of diversity in United States continues to grow as the time passes on. The reasons due to which practitioners are concerned to the issue of

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Lella Vignelli Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lella Vignelli - Essay ExampleElaboration of the peachy functions of Lella starts with an interior design of a arse about in the year 1964 above. Some of the factors leading to the design of the sofa is that they were looking for a sofa but had no idea what kind of sofa were in take aim of. However, they prefer a thick hard-edged lacquered box with soft pillows inside, a sofa that could support itself and not in support by the wall. At the same time she was thinking of pattern the sofa, Poltronova asks her and her crew to design lounge seats bringing the Saratoga line design into existence. The Saratoga line design is modular to will different kinds of arrangement, contains a coffee support table, drawers and a backlit top. To complete the design, an inclusion of black or white high gloss lacque was added to complete the attractive line design.Lellas talent spreads in dissimilar design fields leading to the design of Heller glass bakeware of 1970. Because of the success of th e plastic ware, Heller decides to summation its marketing products by introducing glass bakeware into the market. The knowledge of cooking by Lella plays a major role in deciding what cooking products or food related products to design. She discovers that food is beautiful with a top bewitch rather than in the sections and therefore decides to come up with casseroles and pans incised with a groove section conceal the food enhancing the container. Instead of handles, she designs flat rings that all round the container for easy removal from the oven. The goal of designing the containers was to provide the public with something beautiful with simple but great designs around them.Another Lellas design is a Xoil part in New York, 1991 that was in cover with natural linen and wool carpets. However, the office had lacquered woodwork and upholstering seating creating a warm transaction environment for

Friday, April 26, 2019

IBP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

IBP - Research Paper Example low the demand, an employer, in this case IBP, was responsible for thesafetyand safety violations of another employers employees, DCS in this case, and had themandateto anticipate andabatesuch violations.IBP had supervisory authority and control over the worksite regardless of whether DCS created the hazards or was in a position to reduce them.In addition, IBP owned the equipment andthereforerequired toexerciseallcontrolas a wedgeing party andplantowner and ensure that no employee was at risk.The nature of the contract between IBP and DCS required there be a daily recurringtaskthat IBP employees hadpreviouslybeen doing.The contract was on-going and the relationship between the two was a close one.IBP constant contact with DCS also included frequentdiscussions about LOTO standards and the fragrant violations of these standards by DCS employees. While the contract held DCS responsible for LOTO standards compliance, IBP had themandateto ensure DCS complie d even if it meant suspending or terminating the contract. IBP could make believe imposed penalties on DCS and its employees at any time toensureLOTO compliance. As the worksite-controlling employee, it could also have suspended and expelled employees who fragrantly violated safety

Thursday, April 25, 2019

E Human Resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

E Human Resource - Essay ExampleE Human Resource is referred to the management, regulation and use of electronic processes and information relating to human resource and the employment laws. It is an extremely broad term and has been continuously evolving in its field. With the rising trends like globalization, customer orientation, and specialization, companies have been especially emphasising on recruitments, evolution and sustainment of qualified employees. Companies have gained commodious awareness about the fact that human resources have been gradually transforming from being a cost chemical element to a success component part. They have also realized that a shrink population and a shrinking workforce would be the most crucial crisis in the years to come. Many of the activities of the human resource departments flush toilet be delegated to the employees using the modern system f information and technology. Electronic Human Resource circumspection (e-HRM) is a tool which i s web based and which helps in automating and supporting the human resource processes. Implementing e-HRM would provide the opportunity to delegate the process of data entry to employees themselves. Moreover it facilitates the use of human resource marketplaces (e-Recruitment) and allows greater criterion of self service to employees (Biesalski, n.d., p.1). It is the outcome of the combination of various technologies. Firstly the growing importance of the knowledge factor in organizations has been the driving force behind the evolution of IT. Information systems like e-HRM that provides information allows companies to gain worldwide and consistent concept for knowledge management. It is important to explain the concept of knowledge management in this regard. association management is considered to be a collection of various techniques. Using this large variety of techniques, organizations are qualified to acquire knowledge, organize the knowledge and finally make the knowledge transparent. Intelligent data analysis and e-HRM feature helps to disburden the employees of the human resource

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Online Consumer Engagement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Online Consumer use - Essay ExampleCustomer engagement is 1 such(prenominal) strategy that can significantly change client satisfaction. As the name suggests customer engagement is the commitment of the customer with the attach to or the product. As Mc Ewen suggests, if you dont make a connection with your customers then satisfaction is worthless (Mc Ewen, Fleming, 2003). Regardless of how high a companys customer satisfaction level may be, if their customers are not able emotionally connect with the company or their products to high levels of customer satisfaction of no use. Internet today is playing a very(prenominal) crucial role in affecting consumer behavior. Most companies have identified that starting B2B and B2C. channels over the Internet not only reduces costs in terms of paperwork, front desk time, personnel time etc., it alike gives the customers the freedom to view previous products at the comfort of their homes get reviews about the products talk about it online to separate customers and then make a well-informed decision. Online Publishers Association presented their finding that the Internet is the most dominant root word for initial awareness, further learning, deciding where to buy and purchases when compared to any separate media (Online Publishers Association, 2007). Thus, today customer engagement is congenital not only in the physical store but also over the Internet. This is referred to as online customer engagement. The following sections aim at identifying the various nuances associated with online customer engagement.Online Consumer BehaviorWhat drives customers from one website to another What makes the customers stay womb-to-tomb on a particular website when compared to others What influences the customers to buy the same product on one website when compared to another Please, and umteen other such relevant questions can be answered by understanding consumer behavior on the Internet. Brynjolfsson and metalworker called I nternet as the great equalizer because the technology capabilities of the Internet medium reduce buyer bet and switching costs and eliminate spacial competitive advantages that retailers would enjoy the physical marketplace (Brynjolfsson and Smith, 2000). In 1999, a research carried out by International Data Corporation and RelevantKnowledge showed that users are not loyal to one web portal. At that time, it did show that Yahoo had a higher committedness rate than others however, no other portal had a substantial loyalty rate (Spring, 1999). Spring analyzed that the reason for this lack of loyalty at that time was due to the fact that not every portal realized the importance of mental synthesis closer and tighter relationships with consumers. Several researchers over time have analyzed the various factors that affect Online Consumer Behavior. An inclusive, but by no means exhaustive list is presented below.Usability The definition of usability as stated by ISO is a rope of attri butes of software which bear on the effort needed for use and on the individual assessment of such use ... (ISO, 1991b). With respect to e commerce, it is the set of characteristics of the website that make online engagement of the consumer a good experience.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Mobile Phone Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

wide awake Ph unitary Marketing - Essay ExampleFailure to do so will eventually function out to be counterproductive and can lead to the degradation of the brand being marketed (Hendery 2). The dearth of pertinent technologies is one other big problem being faced by the proponents of winding speech sound trade.Considering the considerable potential of the mobile phone marketing, this channel is gaining an enhanced acceptance amongst the marketing professionals. The corporations atomic number 18 well apprised that a mobile phone is something that a person carries e precisewhere and therefore ample budgetary allocations are being made to launch and support interactive marketing campaigns (Long 1). Infact the potential of mobile phone marketing is much higher as compared to the internet marketing component, as the number of cell phone subscribers is very large as compared to the number of people who own or use computers (Long 1). As per a see conducted by the Mobile Marketing Association based in Colorado, US, the total number of mobile phone subscribers around the world stands to be a mind boggling 1.4 billion, which is way ahead of the total number of estate line phone subscribers throughout the world (Long 1). In the US alone, more and then 65 per centum of the population owns cell phones (Long 2). Also the text messaging is gaining much popularity amongst the mobile phone owners (Long 2).There exist more valid reasons that will make mobile marketing really popular amongst the top brands in the UK. low gear and foremost, the mobile phone marketing enables the brands to interact with a specific target audience (Business wire 1). Secondly, it enables the brands to construe how a user responds to a particular marketing message (Business Wire 1). Last but not the least, mobile phone marketing enables the companies to certify, whether a particular message has reached the customer or not (Business Wire 1). Mobile phone operators also stand to gain fr om this trend as it promises lucrative revenue opportunities for them. As per a survey conducted by Airwide Solutions in the UK, by the end of 2008, nearly 89 top brands in the UK will resort to text and multimedia messaging to communicate with their potential customers (Business Wire 1). Nearly one third of these brands are expected to allocate more then 10 percent of their marketing allocations to mobile phone marketing (Business Wire 1). Such budgetary allocations are expected to augment to more then 25 percent in the next five social classs (Business Wire 1). Small screen sizing of mobile phones was one major barrier to the mobile phone marketing (Shea 1). In the last hardly a(prenominal) years, the mobile phone manufacturers responded to such consumer expectations by making the mobile phones low-pitcheder and smaller. Thus the small phones with their small screen sizes severely limited the scope and potential of mobile phone marketing (Shea 1). However, last year this trend was reversed with the advent of Apples iPhone, which is a small phone with a big screen (Shea 1). Considering the flowing trend towards bigger screens in association with the recent innovations in the cellular technology like piano tuner internet capabilities and high speeds, the mobile phone

Monday, April 22, 2019

Wk 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wk 5 - Essay ExampleOnes own composite model for switch management is as follows (1) establish the need for salmagundi (2) legislate the proposed change (3) solicit participation and feedback from those to be affected by the change process (4) develop the carrying out plan (5) monitor the change process through regular feedback (6) incorporate significant inputs in the change process, as required (7) institutionalize the change. These sequences of change were deemed essential because it initially provided the principle or the need for change, which is seen as the crucial step in justifying change within the organization. Then, after communicating, the management team essential separate participation of those to be affected by the change process to solicit inputs and minimize resistance. The rest of the travel would focus on the development of strategies for initiating and implementing change. Finally, monitoring and incorporating any significant changes within the outlined pr ocess mustiness be included before finally institutionalizing the change process within the organisational setting.The management skills that must be ingrained within the change management process are enforcing the functions of planning, organizing, directing and controlling these unlike steps. The strongest skills require addressing resistance to change by enjoining the participation of people affected by the change process. The weakest would be failure to communicate the crucial information required.Through ones experience of organizational change, the steps identified to be crucial and best handled was communicating the need for change by providing the rationale and justifying its urgency. Apparently, the change that was proposed did not solicit inputs from the personnel and therefore forms of resistance were eminent. The management team therefore had to

Tabloids Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tabloids - Essay ExampleAs compared to broadsheet journalism, which is ordinarily held together by a strong since of ethics and public responsibility, tabloids rely on pure enjoyment and outrageous colors, features, and stories to try to lure in the imaginative reader. Often stories are crafted out of no existent basis, and are there instead to try to be as outrageous as possible for the interestingness of getting peoples attention. They use a much looser idea of values and morals to try to make their stoppage compared to broadsheet journalism.In a stunning twist of correctts, Clinton and Obama have been seeing coming out of a hotel late into the iniquity. Could this mean a new political partnership between the two, or possibly an even darker secret love life between the two Could this all be an alien plot new-made last night Democratic nominees Clinton and Obama were both seen on their way home from a late night meeting. The meeting, uncongenially, seemed to have taken place in an hotel room that was actually rented in McCains name. The fact that McCain seems to pay for them to make pass the night together is strange of itself, but seeing the two candidates embrace in a clinch and passionate kiss as they left sparked the real controversy.This turn in events now leads people to inquire if in fact Clinton and Obama are really working together, and in more places than just the political bedroom. McCain dowry them pay for the room also adds suspicion to what all of them are really up to. Is McCain paying them finish off to keep the fighting going longer so he can continue to campaign without a direct candidate Are Clinton and Obama really in love and want to run togetherAs the saying goes, politicians do make strange bedfellows. Works Citedhttp//spj.org/ethicscode.aspSociety of Professional JournalistsTabloid

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Gender, Media and Consumer Societies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Gender, Media and Consumer Societies - Essay suitThese effects are especially pronounced in the young who learn by emulation. Continuous word picture to particular forms of media models the childs perception of life as a whole and even influences the affair that he or she ends up pursuing in future.There is a disparity in Australia in the type and form of media consumption. People of different ages are being exposed to diverse types of media and this is creating a generational drift between the young and the elderly (Carter & McLaughlin, 2013). The young predominantly cull movies that are either bought, from the meshwork via downloading or streamed. They are also active in consuming online television which composes of streaming and others such(prenominal) as catch up TV. The younger generation is also more active in social media such as Facebook and Twitter more than the older generation. The elderly prefer older forms of media such as newspapers and giving television. This has led to diverse impacts in terms of gender in different age groups. Conflict therefore arises between the expectations of the elderly of what society should be and what the young consider as acceptable ideals.Media directly and indirectly affect the career paths that children ultimately follow in future. Young girls and boys tend to develop particular preferences at an early age. In this age and time these preferences are either enhanced or modified everywhere time by external influences. At a time when parents focus more on their careers than on family, the children are left without role models ad people to look up to except the ones they see in the television or from the internet (Carter & McLaughlin, 2013).Research shows that children watching cartoons that depict princesses and fairy tales in the long run prefer to be stay home at wives. Cartoons such as the magic Riddle in which the main(prenominal) character undergoes a lot of suffering in her

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Application of different moral philosophies to an analysis of Term Paper

Application of different moral philosophies to an analysis of individual purpose making - Term Paper ExampleThe consequences of the respectable violations of the present typesetters case may non be the exact same merely yet the ethical implications and the issues related to the present case is most for certain a reflection of the ethical violations in the business practices. The case study has Carla and Jack as the two central characters and all the aspects related the business ethics revolves around those central characters only. One of the first ethical issues related to the case could be the listed as the denying of Jack from a po ecstasytial partnership deal by the organization. As per the case study, Jack has been working for sixty to seventy hours a week for the last ten years. The contribution made by jack towards the organization can be analyzed. Hence it can be said that based on the contributions and the amount of time spent by Jack in the familiarity (more than 17 years), the comp all could have decided to provide a partnership deal. Although it has been identified as a potential issue, it has to be said that the reasons for which the company decided to deny Jack from the partnership deal has not been mentioned in the case study. The next ethical issue is the behavior of Jack after being denied of the deal. As per the case study, Carla one day found out that Jack has been behaving strangely. Also it was found that Jack was copy whatsoever software used by the company for consulting and auditing purpose. It is also believed that Jack had got hold some clients from the inbred database of the company and was using them for own benefit. Jack also had a plan to open a unexampled firmly. Next case of ethical violations is associated with Carla. As per the case study, Carla has been using the office phones for personal calls and other issues wish well using the company machine for personal usage. Although the magnitude of the violation may not be as immense as the ones conducted by Jack but it may be notified as a case of ethical violation. However the next phase of the case could lead to severe consequences. Carla decided to keep some of the facts in mind that she has been using the company resources for personal usage also. Add to that Jack has been with the company for a long period of time and the company may not believe her. She also did not ask to leave the job. Such a behavior may lead to potential disaster for the company not from a financial perspective but also it may actually threaten the existence of the firm also. Answer 2 Teleology is one of the most important among the six major types of moral philosophy. It describes the acts by any human beings according to a specific situation where the acts need to be acceptable or chastely right in terms of achievement of expected results (no author, Chapter 6, 2006). An example of teleology is clear understanding of utility or self interest. Therefore, according to the behavior of Jack with respect to the specific situation in the case, it can be stated that teleology would be the most suitable moral philosophy that describes the behavior and acts of Jack in the case. To be really honest the readers of the case would have full sympathy with Jack, for denied a position of partner but not for the acts after being denied. The probable options for Jack have been discussed in this section. There is very itty-bitty doubt over the fact after putting

Friday, April 19, 2019

Chinese Economy Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Chinese delivery Master - Case Study ExampleOr is that true Chinese food market for instance, has rolled issue from the mean saving to a free market economy to a degree retaining its own planned model in the core of the change. At this level, the impact of the planned economy and the change that it has brought into China has been impressive1. This reputation targets to present both the sides of the market economies. An analysis has been done at the end of presenting the pros and cons of both the free market as well as the planned economies.Planned economies have been the successful economies of the yesteryears. The Russian, the Chinese economy before the changes in the economy all were adopting the centrally planned economy. This had typically, the large number at the centre of the entire plan. Whether it is agriculture or the industry, the state was the centre of all action. Large scale investments were done by the state to ensure that the pass was continuous. Planned econom ies target was to bring parity among the communities and the exclusives. The individuals yielded place to communities. The planning was for the communities and the individual was not considered for economical study. However, the individual formed the major part of their plan for the future. Education and the individual discipline was a part of the alliance target to ensure that the growth continued to exist.While thither was a rap... The positive aspects of the plan were that there was an overall education to all the citizens of the community. Planned economies could forge large scale projects that could not otherwise be conceived. The same way, the state could embark on global scale projects that would reduce the cost of production and at the same snip could contain the inflation rate in the country as well. Another major advantage is that the equality of the people in front of law was also realised. This made the entire extremity attractive to the common man. Fall bulge out of Planned EconomiesPlanned economies had the following shortcomings1. Over a period of time the entire process became very corrupt and could not maintain the commitment for community.2. Planned economies had to think out all the possible factors that could bring about the changes in the economic status. The numbers of factors were so large that it is some impossible to relate every one of them. This results in the failure of the plan and hence the commitment of the people in the work.3. Planned economics were in existence in many of the countries. Both in the topic of democracies like India and in the case of the left leaning governments in the case of China. In both the cases, the development anticipated was not obtained as in the case of market economy. Most of the countries therefore, are migrating to the market economy structure instead of tabing with the planned economy.4. Though they are moving to a market economy, many of them stay with a phased withdrawal of the planned economy. This has resulted in these countries, including China, having a market economy as well as partially planned economy which helps the country to consolidate and migrate to the new economic pattern without more than

Thursday, April 18, 2019

The Various Concepts of Factors for the Job Satisfaction Essay

The non-homogeneous Concepts of Factors for the Job Satisfaction - Essay ExampleComparing and contrasting the various concepts of factors that contribute to job rapture. In my view, the factors of appreciation, patronage, employee feedback, remuneration, relationship with the manager argon all factors which are most essential for an employee to be completely well-provided with his or her job. If an employee is appreciated for his good work and efforts, such an employee will tend to work hard both time and face challenges and overcome them because that employee will know that he will be recognized for his/her efforts. The support that he gets from his seniors and his colleagues at his workplace boosts his courage to work through work problems. Moreover, if the management maintains a part of reviewing the on job positives and negatives through the employees feedback such employees feel that they are being heard and protected. The salary that the employees are being paid is one ma jor factor that can either completely motivate or demotivate the employees. Steps to improve employee morale and overall job satisfaction the concept of morale includes both fragments of satisfaction and motivation. Morale is basically the motivation and determination that the employees tend to carry on their jobs with. Employee job satisfaction affects the morale and consequently, the determinants of job satisfaction give in to the forecast of morale within the worker. I would make real that our company implies the factors of employee appreciation, support, employee feedback, employee remuneration, employee relationship with the manager.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Marketing Program Failures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

merchandise Program Failures - Essay ExampleMarketing entails the link between economic response patterns and societys secular requirements. In fact, content merchandise main aim is to attract customers and retain by consistently curating valuable and relevant content with an intention of changing consumer behavior. This, therefore, means that for any marketing political program to succeed, the material requirements must always be appealing. However, if the marketing program has a poor content, then the possibility of the program to fail remains high. A marketing program does not have to be valuable for it to be considered perfect to the audience (Hundgen, 2011). The marketer does not have to overspend in order to achieve character reference marketing. Simple programs also sell to the audience. In fact, it needs to be better that the other competing marketing programs. The standards of the marketing program should always be higher.Poor program content does not attract consumers but instead, it creates tone or misleads them, which makes it likely to fail. Poor program content can also be reflected in the grammar of the text. senseless grammar in the program sends wrong signals about the program. Therefore, it is always important to proofread and check the spellings of the content forwards posting. First impressions always send a powerful message to the audience, and they always last a longtime. existence positive in the content will, therefore, sell the company. The content must be done in such(prenominal) a way that it calls the reader into action. It should always tell the reader what they want to hear after interpret the program. Many marketing programs simply fail because their recipients never know what to do. Marketers must always close their programs with phrases that crack their audience a direction to where they are found.It is quite evident that even some of the best marketing programs are not appreciated

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Miss Essay Example for Free

Miss EssayMarketing Management Individual grant 1. The definition of EPRG orientation and its practice in outside(a) companies/local companies * ethnocentric ( root-country oriented) An ethnocentric firm views the demarcation from the perspective and values of the legal residence country. Policies and practices are likely to be designed by home-country nationals with little or no variation for international surgerys. Ethnocentric oriented international companies believe that anything worked at home must(prenominal) also work abroad.For example Nissan exploitation ethnocentric orientation during its first few years of merchandise cars and trucks to the U. S. grocery. Nissans cars were designed for mild Japanese winter, the vehicle were difficult to start in many part of the U. S. during winter there. In northern Japan many car owners would put blankets over the hoods of their cars. Nissans confiscate that Americans would do the same. * Polycentric (host country-oriente d) In contrast with ethnocentric, a polycentric firm operates according to the principle that distributively country of operation is variant.Polycentric is a highly market-oriented. Each market is considered unique, thats why the marketing mix, product strategies, pricing strategies etc is different for each country. Example Citicorps financial services around the knowledge domain operated on a polycentric basis. jam Bailey, one Citicorp executive, offered this description of the alliance we were like in a medieval state. There was a queen and his court, are they in charge? No. The land barons are who were in charge. King and his court whitethorn declare this or that, tho the lord barons who went and did their thing to their appointed land.With that statement we can interpret that eventide the owner of company in headquarter stating this and that, but each country has some differences, and we should makes some changes in target to make our company succeed in other country. * Regiocentric (regionally-oriented) Firm treats a region as a uniform market segment and adapts a similar marketing strategy at bottom region but not across region. For examole Mc Donald not serving pork and slaughter animals through Halal cover only in Middle East and some muslim-dominated countries. * Geocentric (world-oriented)The geocentric approach considers the whole world as a single market and attempts to formulate integrated marketing strategies. The firm recognizes both similarities and differences in cultures and markets. Best practices are adopted on a global basis and adapted for local conditions where necessary. nestle and other multinational company is victimization geocentric orientation. Colgate Palmolive is an example for a company which using geocentric approach. It has been operating internationally for 50 years and its products are households in more than 170 countries. 2.The practice of each of the opening modes (exporting, licensing, franchising, contract manufacturing, strategic alliances, joint ventures and foreign directt investment) please provide example for each entry strategy done by each local company and international company * Exporting The home company exports their product to host country company/distributor. It is the safest entry strategy to start expanding company overseas. By exporting we would learn the market situation in overseas market. And it is less risky and less equal than to manufactures the goods in host country.The example of exporting is kecap Bango and bumbu Bamboe in European market, especially French. Kecap Bango and bumbu Bamboe export their goods to Indian and Asiatic store in France. The target market is of course Indonesian consumer who lives there. Another example is Teh Botol in cartonful pack, it sells its product by helping of Indonesian embassy in Paris, France. * Licensing In licensing the home firm agrees to permit a company in host country to use the manufacturing, processing, trademark, know-how or some other skill provided by the licensor. For example, Coca Cola give license to United Bottlers to make Coke in Zimbabwe.Franchising A home company which using franchising (franchisor), grants another ( a company or individual) the rights to distribute goods or services using franchisors brand and system in exchange for fees. Mc Donalds is known to use franchise as its market strategies through the world. In Indonesia, alfamart and indomaret are using franchising as their strategy. But they still using it within Indonesia not overseas. * contract manufacturing In contract manufacturing the firm decide to enter by contracting a manufacture of its product in target market.In example GAP contract manufacture in developing countries to manufacture and sells them. The products can be made to the conditions and specific requirements of the local market * strategic alliances strategical alliances firm unite with competitor to pursue a set of assented goals remain independent after the ecesis of the alliance. The partner firms share the benefits of the alliance and the defend of the performance of assigned tasks and the partner firms contribute on a continuing basis to one or more key strategic areas.For example, in 2005 Adidas (a German company) proclaimed its acquisition of Reebok. Mr. Herbert Hainer, the CEO of Adidas, expected to cut costs by 125 million Euros in the succeeding(a) three years by sharing information technology, synergies in sales and distribution, and cheaper sourcing. However, the new combined company will continue to run separate headquarters and sales forces, and keep most distribution centers aside * joint ventures In joint ventures the firms in which two or more investors share ownership and control over property rights and operation.In Zimbabwe, Olivine industries have a joint venture agreement with HJ Heinz in provender processing. * foreign direct investment The firm makes a direct investment in a drudgery unit in a for eign market. It is the greatest commitment since there is a 100% ownership. The international firm can obtain wholly foreign production facilities in two primary ways It can make a direct acquisition or merger in the host market and It can also develop its own facilities from the ground up. Multinational company are already using foreign direct investment, like Nestle in many countries in the world including Indonesia, Unilever, etc

Monday, April 15, 2019

Education of the filipino Essay Example for Free

development of the filipino Essay?According to the article, it seems that foreigners, especially the Americans influence us in a lot of antithetical demeanors. They influence us in terms of speech, sense of style and clothing, food we eat, the movies we watch and even how we conceptualize and decide. And for that, I can say that our minds be somewhat manipulated by the Western finis and thus, we think and hitment as if we were like them. Where is the modern day Crisostomo Ibarra and Maria Clara who took their theme for the traditional way of living? Where atomic number 18 the people who c ar enough to preserve our culture and tradition?I agree with Renato Constantinos statement in which I would quote Education is a vital weapon of people striving for economic emancipation, policy-making license and cultural renascence. One must be aware of the countrys difficultys, understand the solution and be feel for and courageous enough to work and sacrifice for our countrys salvation. We Filipinos must work hand in hand to achieve one goal. In my opinion, many Pinoys want the Philippines to be an American state because for them, lying in independence could mean poverty. Hopeless and grim as it may seem.For me, its not just the government and the system that has problem here, its the people and their manners plus attitude. It is also said that the around effective way of subjugating people is to start out their minds. In doing so, we are tricked into doing or being someone we are unlikely to be and some of our beliefs and stand can be swayed by much(prenominal) illusions of freedom to express. As long as feelings of resistance abide in the hearts of the vanquished, no conqueror is secure and as long as we are slopped and sure of ourselves, we can avoid being swayed by others.The Filipinos mentality sometimes just escapes me. Many are bias and many are just plain jealous of the fact that Filipinos can be refreshing too. A lot cant still consume t hat fact. On the other hand, there are some(prenominal) weak beings that move beside the authorized person holding the power against them or what we call puppets. The American culture has been a part of the Filipinos lives. But despite of that I believe that we must preserve our resources and Filipino set to an extent.The fact still remains that these people are in a conquered nation whose national flavour had to be woven into the pattern of American dominance. The drawback is that we still rely on first world countries such as the United States for support financially and economically. Absurd as it may sound but the righteousness remains that we are poor and we need them to survive. A classic example would be us students most especially those taking up Nursing. We are struggling hard to finish this course because of its demands abroad. Many are aiming to seek for better job opportunities abroad.I would be lying if I say that I am taking up Nursing because I want to serve my cou ntry, but who doesnt want a brighter hereafter? Now wheres my sense of nationalism? I say Im just being practical. Its much better to accept the fact that we, Filipinos are diverse in culture and language as well as our way of thinking because we have been influenced by so many cultures internally and externally. It is true that education will require emancipation and the right education will broaden our perspective and hopefully, appreciate and capitalize on the miscellany to propel us forward.

Mcdonalds vs Burger King Essay Example for Free

Mcdonalds vs Burger exponent Es expressIn 1940, McDonalds was send-off opened in San Bernardino, California by two men, Dick and Mac McDonald. At frontmost, it was called McDonalds Bar-B-Que. In 1948, the eatery was shut down for three months for alterations. The menu was rosyuced to nine items hamburgers, cheeseburgers, soft drinks, coffee, potato chips, and a sl starter of pie. They then changed their name to McDonalds as they changed their menu and stop serving Bar-b-Que. In 1954, Burger King was first opened by Keith Kramer and his wife. It was first named Insta Burger King, beca wont they used an insta broiler.Since it was failing in 1959, James McLamore and David R. Edgerton purchased it and changed its name to Burger King. The duo ran the smart set as an independent entity for eight years, eventually expanding to over 250 locations in the United States, when they sold it to the Pillsbury Company in 1967. The menu has evolved from just burgers, fries, and shakes to ju st about everything that McDonalds has. McDonalds has a mascot that is named Ronald McDonald. So, in order to keep up with what McDonalds was doing, Burger King came up with their own mascot not too far from McDonalds, they take away the King as there mascot.Burger King has recently fired the King mascot, because they said a couple commercials sc atomic number 18d children. They have except found another mascot. McDonalds has the Ronald McDonald House to help sick kids. Burger King has not do that as of yet, plainly they do have what is called the Burger King scholarship, which is available to employees and their family. I have worked for Burger King for near four years, and I cannot stand the food they have there. Every hebdomad, Burger King copies something on the McDonalds menu. I do not at a lower placestand why they cannot create their own ideas. McDonalds, to me, has better tasting burgers and fries.McDonalds has fried burgers and Burger King has grilled burgers. But Bu rger Kings burgers do not have a charcoal taste because they use a gas broiler, so to me it tastes corresponding burned meat. I love the taste of McDonalds burgers and fries. My preferred is the mcdouble or the larger mac. Everything that McDonalds Burger King is not too far behind. Starting next week Burger King is getting rid of the cheesy bacon wrap and getting the break speedy burrito. Just like McDonalds. adjacent week we ar also getting some familiar thing from McDonalds like the frapachino, smoothies, vernal salads, and saucy flavored coffees.They are also in talks to come out with a cookie called the Kings cookies. Starting no later than mid-June Burger King will be getting all new uniforms that are almost the selfsame(prenominal) as McDonalds. The managers such as me will have white shirts with ties, and the crew members will have red shirts. McDonalds has the immense mac Burger King have the deluxe topper which is the same as the lifesize mac but just has two sli ces of bread and one thick meat patty. McDonalds has ice cream cones for a dollar Burger King just got ice cream cones for a dollar.McDonalds has a spice yellowish organize Burger King have a spicy chicken both for a dollar. McDonalds has chicken nuggets Burger King has chicken tenders. Burger King is getting a southern style chicken sandwich called the King crispy chicken sandwich McDonalds has the original home style chicken sandwich. McDonalds has the quarter pounder, and Burger King has the chefs choice or the whopper. McDonalds has the fish filet Burger King has the big fish. One thing I can say about Burger King is they have croissants and onion go where McDonalds does not. This week we have got some more familiar items like McDonalds.White bags, we use to have the big brown bags that said Burger king all over them, now Burger King has white bags, just like McDonalds that say Burger King only in the top corner. And when it comes to the chicken tenders or chicken Mcnuggets a gain Burger King is trying to copy McDonalds once again. We use to have chicken tenders shaped like a exceed or a lightning bolt. But when they looked at the sales of McDonalds chicken nuggets and our chicken tenders they put them under construction and now we have chicken tenders just like the ones McDonalds has shape and all.But the ones Burger Kings has are not as crispy and the ones McDonalds has. They say they are all white meat but I beg to differ. If it is all white meat then it is the bone to. I must say that the new chicken tenders at Burger king are much better than the old one I would pacify rather have the ones from McDonalds then from Burger king. McDonalds has chicken select and Burger King has just came out with chicken strips. Everything right down to the size count and the sauces to go with it. One thing that Burger King is starting new is that they are trying to introduce all unused items on its menu.They are using new fresh cut lettuces, onions, salads, and try ing to become a healthier restaurant. Something new that McDonalds is trying is in their kids meals they are giving a smaller fry and also giving the kids apple slices. Burger King has yet to jump on this concept, but Im sure it is not too far behind. So as you can see right down to the mascot Burger King is trying to keep up with everything that McDonalds does. The fast food business is a multi-billion dollar industry. The two businesses running in the lead is McDonalds and Burger King.McDonalds is still the leader of the pack with Burger King not too far behind. The two fast food businesses are in close competition with each other. And have sales above all the rest. There are McDonalds and Burger King corporate and immunitys stores all over the world. McDonalds has more stores both corporate and franchise store all over the world. But Burger King is not too far behind. Pretty much, whichever restaurant you go to, you will get the same kind of items. Fast food will always be the m ost popular choice in the hospitality industry, for those on the go that want to pick up a quick bit to eat.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Minor capacity judgement Essay Example for Free

Minor capacity mind EssayMohori Bibee and a nonher Vs. Dharmodas Ghose Mohori Bibee and a nonher Vs. Dharmodas Ghose Options Dock Print PDF judicial system Kolkata Reported in (1903)30Indian solicitations114 Judge captain Macnaghten Lord Davey Lord Lindley Sir Ford North Sir Andrew Scoble Sir Andrew Wilson, JJ. Decided On Mar-04-1903 pieces Indian Evidence Act, 1877 Section cxv Indian Contract Act Sections 41, 19, 64, 65 Appellant Mohori Bibee and a nonher Respondent Dharmodas Ghose pleader for Respondent W. W. Box, Adv.Advocate for Appellant Watkins Lempriere, Advs. Judgment SIR FORD NORTH, J. On July 20, 1895, the answerer, Dhurmodas Ghose, executed a owe in favour of Brahmo Dutt, a money-lender carrying on business at Calcutta and elsewhere, to secure the repayment of Rs. 20,000 at 12 per cent. interest on m some(prenominal) houses belonging to the respondent. The amount actually advanced is in dispute. At that clipping the respondent was an babe and he did not at tain blackjack oak until the month of folk following.Throughout the transaction Brahmo Dutt was absend from Calcutta, and the whole business was carried through for him by his attorney, Kedar Nath Mitter, the money being found by Dedraj, the local man jump onr of Brahmo Dutt. While insureing the proposed advance, Kedar Nath veritable information that the respondent was still a minor and on July 15, 1895, the following earn was written and sent to him by Bhupendra Nath Bose, an attorney Dear Sir,I am instructed by S.M. Jogendranundinee Dasi, the mother and guardian appointed by the High Court under(a) its letters patent of the psyche and property of Babu Dhurmodas Ghose, that a mortg days of the properties of the give tongue to Babu Dhurmodas Ghose is being prep ard from your office. I am instructed to give you notice, which I hereby do, that the said Babu Dhurmodas Ghose is still an infant under the age of twenty-one, and some(prenominal) one lending money to him allow do so at his own risk and peril. Kedar Nath positively denied the receipt of both much(prenominal) letter but the Court of initiative instance and the appellant Court both held that he did individualally take in it on July 15 and the designate is conclusive upon the point. On the day on which the mortgage was executed, Kedar Nath got the infant to reduce a long declaration, which, he had prepared for him, containing a statement that he came of age on June 17 and that Babu Dedraj and Brahmo Dutt, relying on his assurance that he had attained his majority, had agreed to advance to him Rs. 0,000. There is conflicting evidence as to the sentence when and circumstances under which that declaration was obtained but it is unnecessary to go into this, as both Courts below dumbfound held that Kedar Nath did not act upon, and was not misled by, that statement, and was fully aware at the time the mortgage was executed of the minority of the respondent.It may be added here that Kedar N ath was the attorney and agent of Brahmo Dutt, and says in his evidence that he got the declaration for the greater security of his client. The infant had not any separate legal adviser. On September 10, 1895, the infant, by his mother and guardian as next friend, commenced this action against Brahmo Dutt, stating that he was under age when he executed the mortgage, and praying for a declaration that it was void and inoperative, and should be delivered up to be cancelled.The defendant, Brahmo Dutt, put in a defence that the plaintiff was of full age when he executed the mortgage that neither he nor Kedar Nath had any notice that the plaintiff was then an infant that, even if he was a minor, the declaration as to his age was fraudulently made to deceive the defendant, and disentitled the plaintiff to any fireman and that in any facial expression the Court should not grant the plaintiff any relief without making him repay the moneys advanced. By a gain statement the defendant alle ged that the plaintiff had ubsequently ratified the mortgage but this display case wholly failed, and is not the subject of appeal. Jenkins J. , who presided in the Court of first instance, found the facts as to a higher place stated, and granted the relief asked. And the Appellate Court dismissed the appeal from him. Subsequently to the institution of the present appeal Brahmo Dutt died, and this appeal has been prosecuted by his executors. The first of the appellants reasons in complement of the present appeal is that the Courts below were wrong in holding that the knowledge of Kedar Nath essential be imputed to the defendant.In their Lordships opinion they were obviously right. The defendant was absent from Calcutta, and someoneally did not take any part in the transaction. It was entirely in charge of Kedar Nath, whose full authority to act as he did is not disputed. He stood in the place of the defendant for the purposes of this mortgage and his acts and knowledge were the acts and knowledge of his principal. It was contended that Dedraj, the defendants gomastha, was the real deterrent example in Calcutta of the defendant, and that he had no knowledge of the plaintiffs minority. just now there is nothing in this.He no doubt made the advance out of the defendants funds. But he says in his evidence that Kedar Babu was playing on behalf of my master from the beginning in this motion and a little further on he adds that before the registration of the mortgage he did not communicate with his master on the subject of the minority. But he did know that there was a question raised as to the plaintiffs age and he says, I left all matters regarding the minority in the hands of Kedar Babu. The appellants counsel contended that the plaintiff is estopped by s. 115 of the Indian Evidence Act (I. f 1872) from setting up that he was an infant when he executed the mortgage. The function is as follows Estoppel. When one soulfulness has by his declaration act or omission intentionally caused or permitted another person to believe a thing to be true, and to act upon much(prenominal) belief, neither he nor his representative shall be allowed in any suit or proceeding betwixt himself and such person or his representative to deny the truth of that thing. The Courts below seem to have decided that this section does not apply to infants but their Lordships do not think it necessary to deal with that question now.They consider it unclouded that the section does not apply to a case like the present, where the statement relied upon is made to a person who knows the real facts and is not misled by the untrue statement. There can be no estoppel where the truth of the matter is known to both parties, and their Lordships hold, in accordance with English authorities, that a false representation, made to a person who knows it to be false, is not such a fraud as to take away the privilege of babyhood Nelson v. Stocker. 0 The same principle is recognis ed in the explanation to s. 19 of the Indian Contract Act, in which it is said that a fraud or misrepresentation which did not cause the consent to a cut back of the party on whom such fraud was practised, or to whom such misrepresentation was made, does not render a squeeze revocable. The point most pressed, however, on behalf of the appellants was that the Courts ought not to have decreed in the respondents favour without edict him to repay to the appellants the sum of Rs. 0,500, said to have been paying to him as part of the consideration for the mortgage. And in support of this contention s. 64 of the Contract Act (IX. of 1872) was relied on Sect. 64. When a person at whose plectrum a contract is voidable rescinds it, the other party thereto need not perform any squall therein contained of which he is promisor. The party rescinding a voidable contract shall, if he have received any benefit thereunder from another party to such contract, restore such benefit, so far as may be, to the person from whom it was received. Both Courts below held that they were bound by authority to treat the contracts of infants as voidable only, and not void but that this section only reachs to contracts made by persons fitting to contract, and therefore not to infants. The general current of decision in India authorizedly is that ever since the passing of the Indian Contract Act (IX, of 1872) the contracts of infants are voidable only. This remnant, however, has not been arrived at without vigorous protests by various judges from time to time nor indeed without decisions to the contrary effect.Under these circumstances, their Lordships consider themselves at liberty to act on their own capture of the virtue as declare by the Contract Act, and they have thought it right to have the case reargued before them upon this point. They do not consider it necessary to examine in detail the numerous decisions above referred to, as in their opinion the whole question turns u pon what is the true construction of the Contract Act itself. It is necessary, therefore, to consider carefully the terms of that Act but before doing so it may be convenient to refer to the Transfer of Property Act (IV of 1882), s. of which provides that every person competent to contract and entitled to transferable property. . . . is competent to transfer such property. . . . in the circumstances, to the extent, and in the manner allowed and prescribed by any law for the time bring in force. That is the Act under which the present mortgage was made, and it is merely dealing with persons competent to contract and s. 4 of that Act provides that the chapters and sections of that Act which relate to contracts are to be taken as part of the Indian Contract Act, 1872.The present case, therefore, falls inside the provisions of the latter Act. Then, to turn to the Contract Act, s. 2 provides (e) all(prenominal) promise and every set of promises, forming the consideration for each other, is an agreement. (g) An agreement not enforceable by law is said to be void. (h) An agreement enforceable by law is a contract. (i) An agreement which is enforceable by law at the option of one or more of the parties thereto, but not at the option of the other or others, is a voidable contract. Sect. 0 provides All agreements are contracts if they are made by the free consent of parties competent to contract for a lawful consideration and with a lawful object, and are not hereby expressly declared to be void. Then s. 11 is most important, as defining who are meant by persons competent to contract it is as follows Every person is competent to contract who is of the age of majority according to the law to which he is subject, and who is of sound mind, and is not disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subject. Looking at these sections, their Lordships are atisfied that the Act calls it essential that all contracting parties should be competent to contract, and ex pressly provides that a person who by reason of infancy is incompetent to contract cannot make a contract within the meaning of the Act. This is clearly borne out by later sections in the Act. Sect. 68 provides that, If a person incapable of entering into a contract, or any one whom he is lawfully bound to support, is supplied by another person with necessaries suited to his condition in life, the person who has furnished such supplies is entitled to be reimbursed from the property of such incapable person. It is beyond question that an infant falls within the class of persons here referred to as incapable of entering into a contract and it is clear from the Act that he is not to be liable even for necessaries, and that no demand in respect thereof is enforceable against him by law, though a statutory form of address is created against his property. Under ss. 183 and 184 no person under the age of majority can employ or be an agent. Again, under ss. 47 and 248, although a person u nder majority may be admitted to the benefits of a partnership, he cannot be made personally liable for any of its obligations although he may on attaining majority accept those obligations if he thinks fit to do so. The question whether a contract is void or voidable presupposes the existence of a contract within the meaning of the Act, and cannot swot up in the case of an infant. Their Lordships are, therefore, of opinion that in the present case there is not any such voidable contract as is dealt with in s. 64. A new point was raised here by the appellants counsel, founded on s. 5 of the Contract Act, a section not referred to in the Courts below, or in the cases of the appellants or respondent. It is sufficient to say that this section, like s. 64. starts from the basis of there being an agreement or contract between competent parties, and has no application to a case in which there never was, and never could have been, any contract. It was further argued that the preamble of t he Act shewed that the Act was only intended to define and amend certain parts of the law relating to contracts, and that contracts by infants were left outside the Act.If this were so, it does not appear how it would help the appellants. But in their Lordships opinion the Act, so far as it goes, is exhaustive and imperative, and does provide in clear language that an infant is not a person competent to bind himself by a contract of this description. Another edict relied upon as a reason why the mortgage money should be returned is s. 41 of the Specific hiatus Act (I. of 1877), which is as follows Sect. 41. On adjudging the cancellation of an instrument the Court may require the party to whom such relief is granted to make any compensation to the other which justice may require. Sect. 38 provides in mistakable terms for a case of rescission of a contract. These sections, no doubt, do give a judgement to the Court but the Court of first instance, and subsequently the Appellate Co urt, in the exercise of such discretion, came to the conclusion that under the circumstances of this case justice did not require them to order the return by the respondent of money advanced to him with full knowledge of his infancy, and their Lordships see no reason for interfering with the discretion so exercised. It was also contended that one who seeks equity moldiness do equity.But this is the last point over again, and does not require further notice except by referring to a recent decision of the Court of Appeal in Thurstan v. Nottingham Permanent Benefit Building Society21, since affirmed by the House of Lords. 22 In that case a female infant obtained from the order of which she was a member part of the purchase-money of some property she purchased and the society also agreed to make her advances to complete certain buildings thereon. They made the advances, and took from her a mortgage for the amount.On attaining twenty-one she brought the action to have the mortgage decla red void under the Infants Relief Act. The Court held that, as regards the purchase-money paid to the vendor, the society was entitled to stand in his place and had a lien upon the property, but that the mortgage must be declared void, and that the society was not entitled to any repayment of the advances. Dealing with this part of their claim Romer L. J, says23 The short answer is that a Court of Equity cannot say that it is equitable to compel a person to pay any moneys in respect of a transaction which as against that person the Legislature has declared to be void. So here. Their Lordships observe that the construction which they have put upon the Contract Act seems to be in accordance with the old Hindu Law as declared in the laws of Menu, ch. viii. 163 and Colebrookes Dig. liii. 2, vol. ii. p. 181 although there are no doubt, decisions of some weight that before the Indian Contract Act an infants contract was voidable only in accordance with English law as it then stood. The ap peal, therefore, wholly fails and their Lordships will humbly advise His stateliness that it should be dismissed. The appellants must pay the costs of the appeal.

Friday, April 12, 2019

APush History Term Paper Essay Example for Free

APush History border Paper EssayRobert La Follette, the son of a sm both farmer, was born in Dane County, Wisconsin, on fourteenth June, 1855. He worked as a farm labourer before entering the University of Wisconsin in 1875. In 1876 La Follette met Robert G. Ingersoll. He later recalled Ingersoll had a tremendous influence upon me, as indeed he had upon many unsalted men at the time. It was not that he changed my beliefs, but he liberated my mind. Freedom was what preached he cherished the shackles off everywhere. He wanted men to think boldly about all things he demanded intelligent and moral courage. After graduating in 1879 he set up as a lawyer and the adjacent year became District Attorney of Dane County. Elected to Congress as a Republican, La Follette was extremely particular of the behaviour of some of the party bosses. In 1891, La Follette announced that the conjure up Republican boss, Senator Philetus Sawyer, had offered him a demoralise to fix a court case.Ove r the next six years La Follette built up a loyal following within the Republican Party in opposition to the power of the ex officio leadership. Proposing a programme of tax reform, corporation regulation and an extension of political democracy, La Follette was elect governor of Wisconsin in 1900. Once in power La Follette employed the academic staff of the University of Wisconsin to draft bills and dispense the laws that he kick offd. He later recalled I made it a policy, in order to bring all the reserves of knowledge and inspiration of the university more to the service of the people, to appoint experts from the university wherever possible upon the important boards of the state the civil service commission, the railroad commission and so on a relationship which the university has always boost and by which the state has greatly profited. La Follette was also successful in persuading the federal government to introduce much needed reforms.This included the regulation of th e railway industry and equalized tax assessment. In 1906 La Follette was elected to the Senate and over the next few years argued that his main role was to protect the people from the selfish interests. He claimed that the nations economy was dominated by fewer than 100 industrialists. He went on to argue that these men so used this power to control the political process. La Follette supported the growth of trade unions as he saw them as a check on the power of large corporations.In 1909 La Follette and his wife, the feminist, Belle La Follette founded the La Follettes Weekly Magazine. The journal campaigned for womens suffrage, racial equality and other progressive causes. Lincoln Steffens argued La Follette is the icy of a demagogue. Capable of fierce invective, his oratory is impersonal passionate and emotional himself, his speeches be temperate. Some of them are so loaded with facts and such closely knit arguments that they demand careful reading, and their effect is traced t o his delivery, which is forceful, emphatic, and fascinating.Art Young, The concourse (1917)La Follette supported Woodrow Wilson in the 1912 presidential election and approved his social justice legislation. However, he complained that he was under the control of big business and was totally opposed to Wilsons decision to enter the First introduction War. Once war was declared La Follette opposed conscription and the passing of the Espionage Act. La Follette was accused of deceit but was a popular hero with the anti-war movement. Lincoln Steffens was a great supporter of La Follette governor La Follette was a powerful man, who, short but solid, swift and willful in motion, in speech, in decision, gave the impression of a tall, a big man what I saw at my first mount of him was a sincere, ardent man who, whether standing, sitting, or in motion, but the grace of trained strength, both sensual and mentalRather short in stature, but broad and strong, he had the gift of muscled, ner vous power, he kept himself in training all his life. His sincerity, his integrity, his complete devotion to his ideal, were indubitable no one who hear could suspect his singleness of purpose or his courage. La Follette became the candidate of the Progressive Party in the 1924 presidential election. Although he gained support from trade unions, individuals like Fiorello La Guardia and Vito Marcantonio, the Socialist Party and the Scripps-Howard newspaper chain, La Follette and his rails partner, Burton K. Wheeler, only won one-sixth of the votes. Robert La Follette died on 18th June, 1925.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

An Introduction to Native American Literature Essay Example for Free

An Introduction to native-born American Literature Essay intrinsic American literatures embrace the memories of first appearance stories, the tragic wisdom of native ceremonies, trickster narratives, and the disclosecome of chance and other occurrences in the or so various(a) cultures in the world. These distinctive literatures, eminent in both oral performances and in the imagination of written narratives, cannot be discovered in reductive affectionate science translations or altogether understood in the historic constructions of culture in one common name.(Vizenor 1) Since the end of the 15th century, the migration of Europeans to America, and their importation of Africans as slaves, has led to centuries of dispute and adjustment between Old and New World societies. Europeans created most of the early written historical render about natural Americans after the colonists immigration to the Americas. 3 Many Native cultures were matrilineal the people booked lands for u se of the entire community, for hunting or agriculture.Europeans at that time had patriarchal cultures and had developed concepts of individual shoes rights with respect to land that were extremely different. The differences in cultures between the established Native Americans and immigrant Europeans, as well as shifting alliances among different nations of each culture through the centuries, caused extensive political tension, ethnic violence and social disruption. The Native Americans suffered high fatalities from the contact with infectious Eurasian diseases, to which they had no acquired immunity.See more how to start an renderEpidemics after European contact caused the greatest loss of life for indigenous populations. In 1830, the U. S. Congress passed the Indian Removal Act, authorizing the government to relocate Native Americans from their homelands within established states to lands west of the Mississippi River, accommodating European-American expansion. possibly the mos t important moment of governmental detribalization came with the passing of the Dawes Act in 1887 which set deflexion 160 acres for each Indian on the reservation, and opened the leftovers up for settlement.According to the U. S. Bureau of the enumerate (1894), the Indian wars under the government of the United States have been more than 40 in number. They have make up the lives of about 19,000 white men, women and children, including those killed in individual combats, and the lives of about 30,000 Indians. Native Americans were thus pushed out from their own lands and were labored to live in small reservations assigned by the national government who claimed that setting the Indians on the execute to civilisation best ensured their survival.Tribal customs were then forcibly altered and nomadic tribes became sedentary. All Native Americans felt the impact of the new reservation policies, which sought to isolate and contain Indians to make room for an expanding American nation. At the same time that Native Americans were being excluded from the nation, white Americans began to look to them as the source of a unique national identity and literature, distinct from European traditions.Literature from the period depicting Indian characters was fantastically popular, and many works are distillery celebrated as classics, including James Fenimore Coopers The Last of the Mohicans (1826), Catharine Maria Sedgwicks bank Leslie (1827), and Henry Wadsworth Longfellows Song of Hiawatha (1855), to name only a few. These texts employ the trope of the disappearing Indian, which represents the cobblers lasts of Indians as natural, connatural to the changing of the seasons or the setting of the sun, rather than the result of political expulsion or social discrimination. so the disappearance of Indians from the American social landscape was not only depicted within this body of physical composition but also implicitly ap turn up of. At the same time the government spo nsored authors and art programs the lower-class themes of discovery, regionalism, and tourism were new forms of dominance over Native Americans. Therefore, early Native American authors wrote within a hostile political climate and in response to a dominant literary tradition that sentimentalized and condoned the death of Indians.But they found the means to engage with their detractors by authoring their own accounts of Indians that challenged stereotypical beliefs, demanded equal political rights, and proved that Indians were neither disappearing nor silent. Native American authors have faithfully presented some of these issues of inherent native rights, the duplicities of federal policies, and the burdens of racial identities in their short stories and youngs. Wynema by Sophia Alice Callahan published in 1891, was the first fiction attributed to a Native American author.Callahan, who was a mixedblood Creek, was aware of tribal issues at the time and therefore devoted most of her novel to native issues. Since then many novels by distinguished Native American authors have been published. One of the most important writers among Native Americans in the 1930s was DArcy McNickle, a member of the Flathead tribe of Montana. His first novel The Surrounded was published in 1936, two years after the Indian Reorganization Act was passed scrawny the end of the Depression in the United States. His novel is the poignant story of a mix-breed family and the tragedy of their exclusion from both the red and the white worlds.Because of cultural misunderstandings, which begin between the Indian mother and Spanish father, suspicion, fear, and at last death take their children. The novel is a history of alienation. Kenneth Lincoln who coined the term Native American Rennaissance pointed out that in the late-1960s and early-1970s, a generation of Native Americans were coming of age who were the first of their tribe to receive a substantial English-language education, particular ly outside of standard Indian boarding schools and in universities.Conditions for Native people, while still very harsh, had moved beyond the survival conditions of the early half of the century. The beginnings of a project of historical revisionism, which seek to documentfrom a Native perspectivethe history of the invasion and colonization of the North American chaste had inspired a great deal of public interest in Native cultures. During this time of change, a group of Native writers emerged, both poets and novelists, who in only a few years expanded the Native American literary canon.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Francisco Goya’s Third of May Essay Example for Free

Francisco Goyas three of whitethorn EssayFrancisco Goyas The third of may was an 1814 photograph of Francisco de Goya depicting the execution of the Spanish citizenry resulting from the fighting in the Puerto del colloidal solution area of Madrid. Don Gray in his article Art Essays, Art reproval Poems halted out that, the example of the painting is the dreadfulness of the execution in which Goya has grouped his picture in four different sets namely, those just about to be shot, those already dead, the firing squad, and those about to be shot. The painting was done in the consideration of the effect of the popular uprising in Madrid with its background against the french invasion and the monarchic crises it provoked in the midst of Charles IV and his son Ferdinand. The title The terce of May simply refers to the fateful days of 2 and 3 of May 1808, which was a Spanish uprising against french invaders. As the riots cleared up, French executioner go up the ringleader s for execution yet as it may be inevitable, many elegantians were said to be include in the infamous firing squad of more than eighty peasants on the predawn of the third of may in 1808 at Principe Pio hill, in Madrid.Historical Issues that may have Influenced the Context of the Work Francisco de Goya was one of the greatest Spanish painters along with El Greco and Diego velasques. Goyas Third of May depicts the brutal picture where the Spaniards who fought against French-led were executed on the Principe Pio, a remote hill just outside of Madrid. Mary Connell describes the uprising that took place on the second of May. The Spaniards were build up with scissors, spoons, knives, and a few firearms .By mid afterwardsnoon the revolt was over but the French were find out to set an example so that the Spanish would not again attempt such a revolt. French soldiers executed eighty-three peasants during the pre-dawn of third of May. This disgusted Goya, feeling that the French liberal reform he had been so pleased at first, had accomplished nothing lasting, as many people had died and suffered as a subject of the war. Thus, according to Connell, Goyas work was not meant to be beautiful, but is supposed to be horrifying to cow the viewer.Connell showd that Goyas purpose within the painting was not to blame the French but to point out the faceless and mechanical forces of war blindly putting to death people. The painting in addition depicts how war is appalling and the impingement of violence on humanity, which demonstrates that war is always wrong and generate all kinds of evils. Thus, Connell aptly state that Goya was hoping to persuade people to resort to war in no way at all .The impact of the brutality of the war had made great influence on the Third of May as the painting clearly conveys the wickedness of war through violence and stopping point. There are some other reading material of the characters of the painting such as the man in white whose both arms stretched out, said to be resembling Christ sacrificing his animateness on the cross, the man on the white seemed to be bravely welcoming death by sacrificing himself which seem to portrayed good and evil, with the French troops representing the evil and the dark side of the war. affectionate Issues that may have influenced the Work Among the social issues that confronted Goya prior to his magnificent work, The Third of May was his consignment to the French during the occupation. mob Voorhies of the Department of European Paintings, The metropolitan Museum of Art, noted that when Goya was questioned about his loyalty to the occupiers, he demonstrated his loyalty to Spain by commemorating Spains uprising against the French rule in two paintings The Second of May and The Third of May. Thus, the social pressure on Goya was that his allegiance to Spain was under question.His desire to prove his allegiance to the Spanish monarchy has led him to commemorate the fateful days t wo days of May 1808. Regarding the commemoration of that particular incident, Christopher buttocks Murray pointed out that, Goyas paintings were designed as part of the celebrations of the return of Ferdinand septette to Madrid. As mentioned earlier, the Third of May was painted by Goya to prove his allegiance to the Spanish Monarch in view of social pressures oppugn his loyalty to Spain. Murray however, goes deeper than this issue of loyalty.He stated that although the painting has become an iconic image of repression, popular martyrdom, and the horrors of civil strife, in which, Goya intended the message to remind the people of the horrors and violence that war brings, but in unexampled times, Goyas work has been viewed being not officially commissioned, but he proposed it as a project, as he was in precarious financial situation, and he wanted to gain favor with the regime of Fernando VII to escape being prosecuted for having collaborated with the Napoleonic occupation.To sum up the social issues that may have influenced the ma major power of the The Third of May, are, first, is the issue of collaboration with Napoleonic occupation in which Goya has to prove his allegiance to the Spanish Monarch. The influence of this is seen in Goyas depiction of good and evil. The good is represented by the martyr and those who are about to face their death through firing squad, while the bad is portrayed by the French soldiers. By this Goya is move to prove that he is go forthing to highlight the evils of the Napoleonic occupation.The second is that he intended to paint day two and day three of May, which was for the commemoration of the horrors of war, but it was also intended to please the newly restored king to gain favor in order to avoid possible prosecution due to his collaboration with the Napoleonic rule. Thus, according to Murray, although the paintings in effect are historical paintings commemorating recent events, they are devoid of the portion of heroi sm. Murray contends that there is no evidence that Goya had witnessed the incident, thus it is clear that the third of May is a highly imagined and constructed painting. disregardless of the issues surrounding the painting of the The Third of May Goya has successfully portrayed what he wanted to put on canvas. The Third of May is a powerful aromatic that war is violent and a waste of life on both sides. The painting is very attractive because of Goyas brilliant use of colors to emphasize what he wanted the view to read in the painting. What are the Critical issues that may have influenced the context of Goyas work? There were perhaps a few critical issues that influenced the context of Goyas work, The Third of May. Among these issues were his deteriorating health and his allegiance to Spain in question.Kimberly Court cited in her article entitled Goyas Black Paintings Harsh, but Honest that the resulting atrocities on the Iberian Peninsula from 1808 to 1814 forever staining Goyas i nsight of Humanity . The uprising that followed after the coronation of King Joseph Bonaparte has persisted through guerilla warfare and continued its war against the Napoleonic armies killing more than three hundred French citizens and capturing French ship. Court pointed out that, the guerrilla warfare was the stirring behind Goyas Los Desastres de la Guera or The Disasters of War in English.Goya was afflicted with serious illness, which according to James G. Hollandsworth the popular explanation of Goyas illness is that he was suffering from syphilis. Hollandswoth asserts that after this illness in 1789, Goyas paintings reflected a harsh, cynical view of the world. However, despite of his illness, Polyxeni Potter noted that Goya was an artist opposite and contradiction and his paintings incites horror and gladness, sadness and other images that made potter to comment that Goyas imagination harnessed the supernatural into a disturbing display of the insensible and unreasonable.Go yas allegiance to Spain was questioned in connection to his collaboration with the French. Since this was already discussed above, it is deemed it excess to discuss it further. Conclusion Francisco de Goyas contribution to arts is now an institution, which benefits sincere students of the arts. Goya was indeed a gift person whose works can affect a viewers mood. His paintings were a powerful reminiscent of the heroism and nationalism of the Spanish people during the Napoleonic era in Spain.Although his motives in some of his paintings were for personalised interest, such as that of The Third of May, it was evident that the painting had left a lasting impression on the effect of war to lives and properties, a lesson that must never be forgotten but to be embed in the minds of every individual. Francisco de Goya may long been gone, but his contribution in the world of arts will continue to live on especially his use of lights and dark colors.Goyas talent is not sole(prenominal) a gift of his own it is gift for the entire artist, a gift for the entire aspiring artist, and finally, a gift for everyone loves arts. Goyas The Third of May, reminds us not only of the horrors and of violence of wars but also of courage, heroism, sacrifice.BibliographyConnell, Mary. The Atrocities of War http//www. jmu. edu/evision/archive/volume1/essays/connell. html Court, Kimberly. Goyas Black Paintings, harsh, but Honest http//www. wsu. edu/kimander/goyasblackpaintings. htm Gray, Don. Art Essay, Art Criticism Poems http//www. jessieevans. com/essays/essay087. html Hollandsworth, James.The Pschological Disorfers Ashizophtenia. New York Springer 1990. Murray, Christopher John. Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850, Vol. 2. New York Fitztoy Dearborn, 2004. Potter, Polyzeni. Emerging Infectious disease http//www. cdc. gov/ncidod/EID/vol9no11/about_cover. htm Voorhies, James. Francisco de Goya 1746-1828 and the Spanish Enlightenment. Metro Politan Museum of Art 2000-2008. htt p//www. metmuseum. org/toah/hd/goya/hd_goya. htm

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Opening a fast-food franchise Essay Example for Free

Opening a fast- intellectual nourishment immunity EssayOpening a fast-food license can be a very rewarding venture. Consumers eat as much as US$110 billion worth of fast-food in the United States in year 2000 alone, a dramatic increase from only US$6 billion in 1970. check to The National Restaurant Association, this trend continues to be observed as fast-food sales grow at a rate of 5% per annum to an estimated US$163 billion by the end of 2007 (Maxwell, 2003). This gives us the idea that a fast-food franchise is potentially a very profitable business option. However despite this implication, an average of three issue of twenty-five franchises of major fast-food corporations close down at the end of every fiscal year (Maxwell, 2003), which tells us that merely opening a fast-food franchise does not guarantee success in the business. Therefore in that location is a need to follow certain guidelines in order to increases the chances of succeeding in the fast-food business ven ture. The for the first time step is prefering an appropriate fast-food site. This could be a piece of property that you own or intend to allow.It is of pristine importance that you first evaluate whether or not your intended site is fit for a fast-food franchise. whatsoever franchisors want you to follow specific guidelines in selecting a site while others may even require you to merely choose from a list of sites that they offer. Sound evaluation of a prospective site involves a scrutiny of 1. ) sanitation, 2. ) consumer base, and 3. ) competition (Hogan, 1997). A fast-food site must be in an atomic number 18a that is relatively sanitized.You should neer choose a site that is next to a junkyard or other similar structures. The best sites are located in places that find obvious potential consumer bases such as near a inculcate where the schools students and faculty members might comprise a commanding consumer base. Unfortunately, there are unremarkably other fast-food o utlets already installed in the best of fast-food site areas, which makes it important for you to first analyze the level of competition in the immediate area and whether you would be able to stand up to it.The second step is to select an appropriate franchisor (Hogan, 1997). The fast-food that you will choose should be in demand to your prospective consumer base. You can conduct a survey on the food preferences of people in your prospective site in order to have a better idea of which franchisor to select. It is also important to select a franchisor that has a well popularized mark and a proven formula for good business. This is the main advantage to buying a franchise as opposed to starting a new fast food joint from scratch.Aspects of a fast-food franchisor such as advertising, good will, and favorable sanitation reports all trickle down to individual franchises. Furthermore, a well last franchise should be able to assist a franchisee on everything, from site selection and even lease negotiation to provide training, ingredients advisory and operations monitoring. The last step is to make the proper arrangements with your selected franchisor (Hogan, 1997). This involves settling a number of fees including those for initial franchise, royalties, and other miscellaneous fees for advertising and promotions.This step also includes hiring and training required staff and setting up the selected site. With all those taken cared of, what remains to be done is to procure stock for the food to be served and then you are good to go. Franchising is a potentially profitable business option. Anyone who is thinking slightly making such a venture should first look for an appropriate site and select a reliable franchisor before going into the detail of making final arrangements of setting up a franchise.

International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts Essay Example for Free

International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts EssayBloodstain precedent analysis is one technique of some(prenominal) in the discipline of forensic science. This technique of using descentstains as evidences is not new however, the application of modern science has made kinstain analysis more and more true (Wikipedia). When current technologies and advances within DNA analysis become available to enforcement agencies, the apprehension of iniquitouss and offenders become less involved (Wikipedia). The forensic science of simple eyestain manikin analysis applies scientific knowledge from other disciplines in order to authorize a myriad of practical problems. Bloodstain number analysis can draw on biology, chemistry, math, and physics, among others (Wikipedia). When an analyst follows a strict scientific process, this applied science can produce strong, solid evidence (Wikipedia). This is an imperative motherfucker when in the workforce of law enforcement. An understanding of transmission linestain analysis may allow first responders to a horror scene the know-how in currently collecting and preserving any bloodstain data (Wikipedia). Bloodstain analysts receive specialized training.The foundation ply in bloodstain aim analysis is the Basic Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Course. This is taught at some government and unavowed institutions. The course criterion was developed by the International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts (IABPA) with the following stated settle A course of instruction designed for investigators, crime scene technicians, forensic technicians, and others involved in criminal and medical-legal investigations and crime scene analysis. The course is intended to develop a fundamental knowledge of the discipline of bloodstain contour analysis.The course should illustrate to the student basic principals of bloodstain pattern analysis and the practical application of the discipline to substantial casework. T he course syllabus is not intended to create an instant expert. There are three classifications of bloodstains passive, projected, and head/contact. These classifications were developed by the IABPA. Passive stains are developed when the acting force creating it is gravity. A passive pattern is then divided into three sub-categories passive drop, drip pattern, and flow pattern (IABPA).Passive drops are created by the force of gravity alone, and the drip pattern is created when blood drips into blood. The flow pattern is a change in shape or direction due to influence of gravity or movement of the object (IABPA). intercommunicate blood patterns are the result of an energy source being transferred through blood. There are several types low stop number impact spatter (LVIS), culture medium velocity impact spatter (MVIS), high velocity impact spatter (HVIS), and expiratory blood (IABPA). The three types of velocity impact patterns are caused when an impact at either a low, medium, o r high velocity make contact with the blood source (i.e. medium impact = a battery high impact = a gunshot). An expiratory pattern is blown disclose of the nose, mouth, or a wound as a result of mien pressure and/or air flow which is the propelling force (IABPA). A transfer/contact stain is the result of a blood bea anchor ring object coming in contact with a non-blood bearing object thus do the transfer of blood. Two types of transfer/contact patterns are the wipe and swipe pattern. A wipe bloodstain pattern created when an object moves through an existing stain, removing and/or altering its appearance.A swipe pattern is the transfer of blood from a moving source onto an unstained surface (IABPA). Blood splatter flight characteristics show that blood tends to form a sphere in flight opposed to the artistic teardrop shape. This is the result in the surface tension that binds the molecules together. This spherical shape is important to the calculation angle of incidence of blood when it hits a surface. This angle is then used to determine the point of origin (PO) the original celestial orbit where the blood originated in (Wikipedia).In 1954, Marilyn Sheppard was bludgeoned to death in her home. Her husband, Dr. Sam Sheppard survived what he called an attack by an intruder. Dr. Sheppard inform that he had been knocked unconscious as he tried to defend his married woman (Lyle). Their home was ransacked. Investigators would come to realize that Dr. Sheppard had no blood determined on his body nor clothing, and he denied ever cleaning up before the police arrived (Lyle). This profuse the police. The attack was so brutal that the killer would have been covered in blood, and Dr.Shepard should have had blood transfers located on his body or clothes. Sheppard had no blood located on his hands, which would be impossible because he said he checked for a pulse of his wifes recognize, which was covered in blood. Furthermore, Sheppard claimed that his suck in, wa llet, ring and keys were missing. This was true. A bag with these items was found no too far from the house however, they had to traces of blood. Moreover, Sheppards pants had no blood on them impossible is the killer robbed him with bloody hands (Lyle). The watch, however, did have traces of blood.Theses blood splatters came from flying droplets, indicating that the watch must have been close when the victim was received the fatal blows. If the watch made contact with her neck as he checked for a pulse the watch would have blood smears and not droplets (Lyle). constabulary determined that Dr. Sheppard most likely bludgeoned his wife to death. Then he cleaned himself and trashed the items out human face the house were police would bring forth them and made the house look as if it was a burglary (Lyle). Based in large part on the blood evidence, or lack of it, Sheppard was convicted of murder.After spending ten years in prison, Sheppard was released when the U. S. Supreme homag e overturned his conviction. A re give birthative from the coroners office stated that the blood located on Sheppards watch represented a blood splatter. This means the watch must have present when the blows were struck (Lyle). A renowned criminalist, Dr. Paul Kirk testified that the blood on the watch was a result of Sheppard checking his wifes pulse. If so, why was the watch found outside the house? This controversy facilitate surrounds the case. In 2004, nick Berg was horrifically murdered by insurgents in Iraq. His throat was cut and he was decapitated.His body was found by an Iraqi overpass. The tape was on review on May 11, 2004 for a type of bloodstain analysis. Laura Mansfield, certified in bloodstain analysis by the Laboratory of Forensic Science and is a member of the IABPA, begins her analysis of the footage (Crime Library). Its reported The time displays 134547 in the lower safe corner, the victim is pushed onto his left side where his legs are bent at the knees and r aised toward his chest and his arms still tied behind his back. At this point, the word-painting becomes out of focus and essentially useless for the purposes of analysis from approximately 90 frames.As the telecasting comes back into focus, the radical assailant is viewed using the knife to cut the throat of the victim, beginning at the area near his left carotid artery. Almost immediately, blood is seen pouring onto the floor (target surface) from the wound caused by the clams (Crime Library). There appears to be an edit point. At this point the primary insurgent is no longer prop the knife. The individual clothing the white hood and previously standing on the right side of the primary assailant is now using the knife in a saw-like manner, holding the knife in (his) right hand plot holding the victims hair with (his) left hand.At 1347xx, the individual wearing the white hood ultimately detaches the victims head from his body and holds the head outward in (his) left hand, s till holding the knife in (his) right (Crime Library). The frames that follow appear to jump, at which time the victims head is completely detached and the primary object in the frame. Through out the video, time changes oft from military time back to regular time and vice versa.Interestingly, the time display on the video changes to 24620 (regular time format) and then switches back to 134845 (military format) while the victims head is shown detached from his body in a similar series of frames (Crime Library). Bloodstain pattern analysis is an antique technique, which with new technologies and advancements aid in the capture and prosecution of criminals. This analysis procedure is used in many different ways and draw upon a myriad of disciplines. In result of a strict process, bloodstain pattern analysis will prove solid, concrete evidence and is a useful tool in the hands of law enforcement.References IABPA (International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts). Suggested IABPA Terminology List. visit visited 8 April 2006. http//www. iabpa. org/Terminology. pdf Lyle, D. P. , MD. Uncovering the Evidence Those Messy Bloodstains. Forensics for Dummies. john Wiley Sons Inc. p. 98 Nick Berg Tape. Crime Library. Court Tv. Date visited 8 April 2006. http//www. crimelibrary. com/about/authors/mansfield/ Wikipedia Online. Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. Date visited 9 April 2006. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Bloodstain_pattern_analysis