Sunday, February 24, 2019

Ways in which teamwork can be beneficial to organisations

Teamwork is iodine of the major factors that affect an organisations success and it tummy march to be beneficial but it stub also become a difficult aspect to manage in spite of appearance a company. correspond to Cohen and Bailey (1977241), a team is a collection of individuals who ar interdependent in their tasks, who conduct responsibility for proscribedcomes, who see themselves and who are seen by others as an intact sociable entity embedded in one or much larger sociable systems... The former definition is pointing disclose the aspects of teamwork, which appear to be mutual assurance, interdependency and sense of responsibility that members feel when collaborating.Based on the previous theory, numerous benefits of teamwork give the axe be underlined. One of the most important advantages that teamwork brings inwardly an organisation is efficiency. According to Procter and Mueller (2000), it has been debated by supporters that it offers a more productive, creative, satisfying and empowering way of working. The efficiency of teamwork butt joint also be highlighted from the book Organizational Behaviour by Daniel baron and Scott Lawley, OUP 2013(page 165, Table 6.7), in which benefits like reduced dependency on grouchy individuals, faster decision making, increased time utilization and task requirements are considered benefits of teamwork.Another major benefit for companies which rely on teamwork is social facilitation (Norman Triplett, 1898). His theory points out that members who work deep down a chemical group tend to become more productive, possiby due to competition within the group. Furthermore, this benefit can be pointed out by West (2004) which states that teamwork can create social bonds between members, and so giving greater camaraderie. However, Harkins et al. (1980) states that individuals analyze less when working in a team, this phenomenon being known as social loathing.Besides having important benefits, teamwork can fix to have a significant level of difficulty when trying to go through it within an organisation. Challenges like personality clashes, breakdown of trust or reliance on less skilled members can arise for employees, but difficulties as unproductiveness, shared identity and purpose or time-consuming work canalso be present for organisations. One of the major problems caused by teamwork within a company is social loafing.According to Harkins et al. (1980) and Latane et al. (1979), a series of experiments had been conducted in the mid-seventies to investigate whether people worked harder in groups or individually. Eventually, they discovered that people try less hard when being asked to perform the same task within a group. This experiment was actually built on a previous research by Max Ringelmann, who found that, working alone, an agricultural educatee could pull a weight of 85 kg but a team of seven would not be able to pull 595 kg, kinda just 450. Latane et al. suggests this phenom enon happened because individuals put more effort into tasks where they know they can be personally identified and less when they think their contribution is lost within a group.Relating to this difficulty which can arise as a topic of teamwork, a similar one can appear, which is called shrinking (Schnake, 1991). This phenomenon occurs when members of a group live off the efforts and work of others. A good example is that of a student which does not attend team meetings but turns up on the day of the presentation and demands the same grade as the other individuals.In conclusion, teamwork can prove to be very beneficial for an organisation, bringing efficiency, social facilitation for the individuals and umteen other advantages. However, the difficulties that may arise as a result of non-compatible members or various other factors, must be looked upon carefully and treated properly.

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